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  1. I

    New Shorthorn Bull

    I like his looks but what is his pedigree?  When I go to the ASA website and search,  there is nothing there. 
  2. I

    Shorthorn Bull - Opinions

    This is her full brother born spring 2013 and pictured in November 2013
  3. I

    Shorthorn Bull - Opinions

    Here is his oldest daughter,  picture taken last fall.    The two pictures of the bull were taken within two weeks of each other,  just a different pasture for the second one. 
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    Shorthorn Bull - Opinions

    Yes,  I do have pictures of progeny but it may take a few days to round them up.  For someone my age,  the peace of mind that this guy brings to calving season is a real plus.  I have never pulled a calf and never had a calf born dead.  Of course we have a small herd,  but I just don't worry...
  5. I

    Shorthorn Bull - Opinions

    Here is another picture.  He is straight Dual,  Native and double registered with Milking Shorthorn and Shorthorn associations.  You can look him up on the Shorthorn website and see his pedigree.  He was  bred by Jack Barnes,  Fallon,  Nevada.   
  6. I

    Shorthorn Bull - Opinions

    This is our 6 year old Shorthorn Bull.  What do you think?
  7. I

    Steers Won't Eat - At Wits End

    These steers are begging for fiber.  They have SARA - subacute ruminal acidosis and need hay to correct their sore rumens.   
  8. I

    6807-genetic defects

    I have never personally seen it,  but this is suggestive of swayback in sheep which is related to low intake of copper or excessive intake of molybdenum by the dam.  It cannot be treated but a liver biopsy will sometimes be diagnostic.  Since both sire and dam are 50:50,  I would place...