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    Our senior herd sires for 2019

    Thank you.  I like them even better now!  It is easy to breed cattle smaller, but more difficult to keep them large.  Small framed cattle,  if they have the kind of gain we need,  start to look like pigs.  Rick Pisaturo,  of Mandalong fame,  expressed the opinion that bulls need to be a...
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    Our senior herd sires for 2019

    What would their frame scores be?
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    Keeping replacement hfrs out of first calf hfrs?

    Just one more example of so-called experts proving the validity of Mark Twain's famous quote.  Expression of genetic potential is not caused by colostrum intake.  Furthermore,  if you are making maximum genetic progress,  the calves from your first calf heifers will have the highest genetic...
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    Looking for old Shorthorn bull pics

    Green Row Everlasting from the Western Ontario Breeders advertisement in the September 1975 Milking Shorthorn Journal.  Harley Headings of Kansas bred a bull from him named Double H GR Defender 4051361
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    Looking for old Shorthorn bull pics

    Minn Duke Darius from the cover of the 1973 Milking Shorthorn Journal (Herd Sire Issue)  Darius weighed over 3000 pounds and sired a lot of growth and milk in Milking Shorthorns at that time. 
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    New to me-- Calf born with cleft palate

    If he can nurse,  he will do fine later in life.  Usually,  calves with cleft palates cannot nurse effectively,  so in addition to failure to grow or in some cases,  starvation,  they tend to develop aspiration pneumonia.  If they survive the nursing period,  they can do fine with grazing and...
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    Electronic Heat Detection Systems

    In your situation,  a synchronization program timed for breeding on a Saturday or Sunday might work better at a lot less cost. 
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    Proof the show ring is still screwing things up.

    I had a client who bred his Holstein cows to calving ease charolais bulls who looked very much like those cattle pictured from the UK.  Just my taste and that is all this comment is worth!  But I don't want and will never  breed cattle that look like pigs. 
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    Top 5 thickest shorthorn bulls available.

    Looks impressive!  However,  the same muscle mass on a Frame Score 7 and a Frame Score 5 will look wildly different.    What is his Frame Score?
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    Galbreath and Shady Maple Farms Bull Sale

    Refreshingly Trump free!  (the bull,  not the man)
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    Birth weight epds and such

    Our birth weights ranged from 64 to 109 pounds from a bull with CE of 15,  BW of -1.2 and $CEZ of 50.33.  Another bull with CE of 5,  BW of +5.1 and $CEZ of 15.21 had birth weights between 76 and 122.  Four were CE = 3 with one of those a mal-presentation  (76 pounds).  Two ET calves were...
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    Hill Haven Fire Storm 28C

    I do use EPD in my breeding decisions.  Not as a last word,  but as a tool.  Furthermore,  I can see in some of my embryo purchases that I should have used that tool  a lot more!  Secondly,  when a result is substantially the same from two disparate processes,  that tends to validate both...
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    Hill Haven Fire Storm 28C

    Fire Storm's EPD information is genomicaly enhanced which significantly increases accuracy and reduces the effect of cherry picking progeny.  Furthermore,  there are only 13 calves actually recorded so far.  When you look carefully at his EPD information,  he is clearly a below average bull. ...
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    Lincoln Red influence, continued

    Registration says this bull is polled but the bull pictured is horned
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    Anybody at Louisville see Little Cedars Argentine bull?

    How old was he when the side view photo was taken?  It appears his testicles are undersized.
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    Cates Star Search Sale results??

    Seems odd that a bull who was born in 1993 is still topping the sales.  Doesn't speak well for breed progress!
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    Black shorthorns

    I guess everybody has the right to do whatever they like.  However,  breeding 'black shorthorns',  in my opinion,  is like developing a polled longhorn. 
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    Spring Calves

    Spring calves born mid-March to mid-April
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    PHA or Nay?

    Not possible to say from the picture.  Calf appears bloated up as a result of autolysis in the uterus prior to expulsion.  Would need a necropsy to attempt a determination of cause and even then,  results are often inconclusive. 
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    Shorthorns now have a stayability epd?

    ASA does not generate the EPD's.  Shorthorn is part of a database representing 19 million cattle worldwide from 12 different breeds.  400,000 new records are added each year to this database.  This database is maintained by International Genetic Solutions and they calculate the EPD values. ...