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    Those are nice cows,  Beebe.  They are so well balanced,  I would have guessed they were bigger than that. 
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    Shorthorns now have a stayability epd?

    Can be interpreted two ways.  Those older cows have paid their rearing costs,  so profitability is increased and stability is important.  On the other hand,  if you are making progress, those older cows need to go away sooner because the  younger generations are superior genetically. 
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    How long will mom produce adequate milk for week old calf?

    If the calf is able to nurse effectively,  stop feeding it by hand.  The increased hunger will result in the calf seeking the cow more often and more often milk-out will stimulate production.  I had one just like  yours that didn't nurse for 9 days and once it started,  the cow visibly...
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    Medium Rare,  I have three Native cows that somewhat fit what  you are looking for but I don't have all the data you require.  BW,  WW  and some YW is all that I have.    Some would call me a hobby breeder but our cattle never see grain,  only hay when the pastures play out,  and their natural...
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    back in the day...Polled Durham Heifer

    This picture of Glenn Knolls Monarch is interesting for another reason.  Many of the larger shorthorn bulls of that day were pictured in deep straw to make their legs look short.
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    back in the day...Polled Durham Heifer

    Thank you Knabe for the bookseller references.  My old bookseller passed away a few years ago and I have been out of the market since then.  Probably time to establish a new relationship.
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    back in the day...Polled Durham Heifer

    Thank you Knabe and Mark!    Specifically,  I am looking for "The History of the Aberdeenshire Shorthorn" by Isabella M. Bruce.  1923
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    back in the day...Polled Durham Heifer

    Mark;  what are your old books that you would sell?
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    back in the day...Polled Durham Heifer

    Here is a picture from Volume 2 of the American Polled Durham Herd Book.  Nellie Gwynne was one of a set of twins born in 1881.    She along with her twin,  Mollie Gwynne were the primary source,  if not the only source,  for the polled gene in purebred Shorthorns.  She was purchased by W. S...
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    Show calf tendon surgery

    If the surgery is for the purpose of altering form or function to improve performance in the show ring,  this is strictly unethical for any veterinarian.
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    Show calf tendon surgery

    You're going to have to provide a lot more information than this before anybody can render an opinion!
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    Tongue sticks out - birth defect or calving issue?

    The picture looks like his ear on that side is droopy also,  suggesting  cranial nerve damage from which he probably will not recover
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    Shorthorn influenced cattle

    Buyers know they can buy some "home-run" type steers at a discount simply because of a broken or roan color pattern.    That is gradually changing but takes time.   
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    the last cowboy at pine creek ranch

    Knabe,  thanks for posting this.  The idiot Mike Mease from Western Watersheds is typical of those taking away the land,  not by actual prohibition of use,  but by regulation and legal maneuvers gauged not to defend their ideas,  but to delay and obstruct until the cost just becomes too...
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    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    If you have an animal registered in AMSS that you want to register with ASA,  it will cost $50 payable to AMSS and then $25 payable to ASA.  I have never registered an animal the reverse,  but the last fee schedule I have is $50 payable to ASA and then the appropriate registration fee payable...
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    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    Here is a picture of the dam of both cows.  The calf is the roan cow
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    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    I am not as computer literate as many who submit to this discussion group,  so I don't know how to put the pedigree on here.  You will have to look them up on the Shorthorn Website.    The red cow is Double H Scottshill Lady N  418940;    The roan cow is Idalee Defender Lady  x4182073.   
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    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    Another Native Shorthorn.  The red cow is 10 years old and the roan is 7 years old,  maternal sisters
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    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    The official registry for Heritage Shorthorns is the American Milking Shorthorn Society.  If a pedigree will trace, in all it's branches, to the American Shorthorn Herd Book before about 1920,  it is given a designation of "N" for "Native" as part of the animal's name.  If the pedigree will...
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    Sparkle cows

    Those are great cows with terrific fleshing ability.  I have a flush from 77W sired by Four Point Major that were born last year and two calves from Sparkle Girl sired by Meat Packer due this summer. 