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    Sparkle cows

    Excellent!  Which Sparkle cows did you get? 
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    Using dairy cows as Recips

    I used to always use virgin Holstein heifers from a client for recipients.  Client raised them until about three weeks before due date,  when I brought them home so I could watch them more closely.    Small numbers,  but it seems that they tend to have bigger calves and more calving...
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    Genetic Gain

    We are located in Southern Idaho.  This is big dairy country so when the pasture plays out,  the cattle get alfalfa hay.  By dairy standards it is not good enough,  but is great for beef cattle.  The original herd was Native Milking Shorthorn and when I realized they didn't have the...
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    Genetic Gain

    Here is a daughters of Pioneer 812 who will be two years old in March and will have her first calf in April 
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    Genetic Gain

    Here is a bull calf from Idalee Pioneer 812 ET.  He was born in July and weaned last week.  His birth weight was 95 pounds and his adjusted weaning weight was 820 pounds. 
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    Genetic Gain

    Here is a bull we are using.  He is Idalee Pioneer 812 ET and was from a set of embryos I purchased from the Horseshoe Creek 5th Frozen in Time embryo sale in 2013.  He is sired by Saskvalley Pioneer 126P out of Six S Leah 55L.  I don't know what he weighs because he is too big for my...
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    Is he stout enough for you?

    Interesting how things change!  Just for fun,  I went back to March 2014 and read the comments from XBAR on the first Vanguard calves -  "these Vanguard calves are in a completely different league.  More substance,  more eye appeal,  extremely vigorous at birth .  .  .  a big shout out to JIT...
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    Is he stout enough for you?

    Certainly Grant can more than adequately defend himself.  However,  I would just make a couple of comments.  I have purchased a few embryos from Grant over the past 5 years,  and my dealings with him have always been entirely satisfying.  He has always been MORE than fair with me,  even when...
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    Is he stout enough for you?

    What is his frame score and weight?
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    brucellosis vaccine

    You have two issues here.  Regulatory and Biological.  I have no idea how the regulatory end will be handled and that may well determine the fate of this bull.  Biologically,  infertility would be the result of orchitis (inflammation of the testicles) and the high testicular temperatures...
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    Annual Shorthorn meeting

    Isn't it amazing how these discussions mutate,  sometimes,  rather quickly!
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    Annual Shorthorn meeting

    I don't know about recorded sessions.  A few items are as follows: 1.  The first calves have arrived in the University of Illinois Herd Sire Test.  151 calves were born,  100% un-assisted with an average birth weight of 86 pounds from 20 different sires 2.  The most desirable carcass weight...
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    Darn show heifer!

    Since nobody else has responded,  I will take a stab at it.    Simple things first.  Maybe this new bag of grain is moldy or "sour",  or maybe with too many fine particles.  Second,  maybe she has had a little too much grain recently and is suffering from sub-acute acidosis,  in which case it...
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    Breeding up from the Bottom (side)

    Your comments on what makes "maternal" are right on target!  How many of the cows in the video are "Easy" daughters?    Best thing I ever did was to buy our "Easy" son from you.  His daughters epitomize "Maternal"!    Thanks.
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    Looking for new shorthorn herd bull

    I might have something that would work for you.  I will wean in the first part of November.  I have used a son of Coalpit Creek Leader 6th as well as an ET son of Saskvalley Pioneer out of Six S Leah.  I have calves from both.  I am located in Southern Idaho. 
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    Great Shorthorn Revival 2017 Sale Report

    My mistake.  Go to the facebook page for Great Shorthorn Revival.
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    Great Shorthorn Revival 2017 Sale Report

    Maybe go to Little Cedar's facebook page.  I went there and saw that the Argentine ET Choice went for a final bid of $24,000 but no mention of the semen.  You could post a question there. 
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    Great Shorthorn Revival 2017 Sale Report

    Lot 1a -  $7000 Lot 2 -  $10,500 Lot 4 -  $750.00 Lot 5a - $12,000 Lot 6a -  $2000 Lot 7 -  $1200 Lot 8 -  $3800 Lot 8a - $3800 Lot 8b -  $1125 Lot 9 - $3500 Lot 9a - $4000 Lot 10 -  $4500 Lot 14 - $3800 Lot 15  -  $1700 Lot 18 - $2300 Lot 19 -  $2350 Lot 20 -  $3750 Lot 21 -  $12,000 Lot 24 - ...
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    Need help in how to classify this guy

    No help here for classification,  but it looks like Walker thinks he is "first class"!  Nice steer for a young boy!
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    Older Shorthorin bulls

    Which Hilltop Lancer with the Salers influence?  When I go to the Shorthorn Website,  there are 76 Hilltop Lancers listed.  And I can't find Deer Trail Countess at all.