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    Shorthorn historians... help pic updated###

    He could by a Mandalong Super Elephant son!
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    Just a poor picture of a very good bull!  Amateur photographers need to remember this as these kind of images stay around forever and give good cattle a bad press.
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    Changing gears and changing direction

    Wishing you and Chris a speedy and complete recovery from your respective challenges.  Maybe now you will have time to write that book on Shorthorn History that we have all been anticipating.  Martin
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    Breeding Sibs

    One of the greatest Holstein sires of the early 20th century was the result of breeding a bull to his twin sister.    I am sure the breeder assumed that the heifer was barren as most free martins are, and had them together in the pasture.  But this one proved to be fertile and the result was...
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    Awareness to the REAL beef industry (not that vegan stuff)

    Sir Loin,  you need to visit some modern dairy operations before  you continue to spout off about something of which you know so little.
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    Awareness to the REAL beef industry (not that vegan stuff)

    The truth,  the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Taking sides doesn't belong in scientific discussion.  Just be aware that you will have now plastered a big target on  your back because groups like PETA don't like the truth.  Good luck in your undertaking.  It should be a great...
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    newborn calf question

    Good question!  I have wondered the opposite -  just how much do they loose in the first 24 hours.  Human babies always loose weight initially and I have expected that calves do the same,  but don't have any data to back up my belief. 
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    Socks/stocking legs in shorthorns

    Socks are fairly common in older Shorthorn genetic lines;  This has occurred for at least 140 years in the breed and long before the introduction of outside breeding into the breed.  This apparantely and is a typical Shorthorn trait.  Maybe the Maine got it from the Shorthorn?    One of the...
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    Changes in your breed......say the last 10-15 years

    The designation of "Native" was developed a few years back by the American Milking Shorthorn Society to preserve Shorthorn cattle of genetic purity.  It is defined as those who will trace in all their lines back to Coates' Shorthorn Herd Book of England or to the  Cox Importation.  The Cox...
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    Sun Country Shorthorn Sale videos

    Nice to see real pictures of real cattle!
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    Xtremia Embryo Transfer

    For those of you in the ET business,  is anybody familiar with  a new transfer tool for deep deposition of the embryo in the uterine horn?    In addition,  it is claimed to make passage of the cervix in heifers easier.    They also market an AI gun for deep deposition of semen in the horn on...
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    Bulls developed in feedlot ended up sterile.

    They get them too fat trying to make that "eye-popper".  This restricts thermoregulation in the testicles because of fat deposition and makes them sterile. 
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    Hoof trimming question on a bred cow

    On dairy cows,  they are routinely hoof trimmed as needed without regard to pregnancy status and analysis of records indicates no effect on pregnancy retention.    This is on many thousands of dairy cows per year. 
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    Black Shorthorns

    Well, so is the next marketing idiocy "polled long horns"?   
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    Pasture pics *resized

    Waukaru Forward 4003 has 15 calves in 2 herds.    This suggests that a healthy dose of skepticism should be applied to evaluating his EPD's at this time,  regardless of how impressive they may appear. Most of it is based on pedigree averages and not actual performance. 
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    Shorthorn weaning weights.

    If you are interested in a full pedigree for Lazy H J Classic  12C,  go to the Canadian Livestock Records website and you can see a full 5 generation pedigree on this bull.  I don't know why ASA can't get that right!?
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    Bull bloated

    It is totally amazing to me that if you are this concerned about this bull,  that  you have not had a veterinarian examine him.    Get some professional help for this animal now!
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    Who is going to CYT or been

    Lots 85,  a b and c all went for 400X4
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    Who is going to CYT or been

    79A and 79B both went for 150X4
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    Ds-what percentages when breeding 2 carriers?

    I know a shorthorn breeder who used a DS carrier bull on up to five generations of his own daughters,  grand-daughters,  etc.  and never produced a calf which he identified as having DS.    Now,  there are about three possible conclusions that can be drawn from this.  First,  maybe the test...