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  1. I

    Hoof Trimming Table

    For a lay-over hoof trimming table,  the best one I have been exposed to is made by Tidenberg Welding in New Mexico.  Go to and then click on "products" and scroll down to the pictures of the hoof trimming chute. 
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    Great Breeders

    Stuart Rowe of Innisfail Milking Shorthorns.  Production and exceptional show ring type.    Retired now but family in Milking Shorthorn business for nearly 100 years.    He served as Judge for National and International shows,  served on the Milking Shorthorn Board of Directors multiple...
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    Photos Wanted

    I posted a picture of Sesqui Lucky here on December 27,  2015.    You can search for it with the "search" function located at the top of the Steerplanet page. 
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    Multi min vs. Bose

    BoSe is used for the prevention and treatment of White Muscle Disease in calves which is caused by a deficiency of Selenium.    I don't know what you mean by "weak joints" but BoSe has no effect on bones.    BoSe has 1 mg per cc of Selenium from sodium selenite and 50 mg of vitamin E.  Vitamin...
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    Aggressive bull calf please help!

    You are in real physical danger.    Do not risk your life with this animal!  Start over with another
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    Nodak King's Tradition

    Picture of Nelco McLeod from the 1980 Herd Bull Issue of Shorthorn Country
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    Picture of Sesqui Lucky

    Some time back,  someone asked for a picture of Sesqui Lucky.  It took me a while to find one and the quality is not the greatest.  It is from the March/April 1997 issue of the Milking Shorthorn Journal and appeared in an advertisement for Double H Farm,  Harley and Katie Headings, ...
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    Serving his country

    Thanks to this young man.  The sacrifice of these families is mostly unknown and underappreciated.  Our son spent two tours in Iraq during which time his two young sons and wife suffered because Dad was not at home.    Even though Skype helps,  it just isn't the same.  He is now home,  but...
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    Shorthorn Genetic Problems

    Galloway may have eliminated genetic defects by their overly aggressive policy,  but we will never know the magnitude of genetic loss in that breed which was occasioned by throwing out the baby with the bathwater.   
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    JBS launches Shorthorn branded beef

    The Australians have been on the leading edge of commercial promotion and acceptance of Shorthorns for many years now.  In the late 1980's,  Graham Mitchell,  CEO of the Shorthorn Society of Australia, along with Sandy Munro,  of Weebollabolla,  organized a Shorthorn delegation to visit meat...
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    Western Water Hemlock

    In  the Treasure Valley, of Idaho,  (near Boise) we used to have problems with poisoning from Western Water Hemlock in early spring because it was the first thing to get green along the drainage ditches.  Most of those cattle died from seizures.  Those we could get to quickly enough to...
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    Showring tricks

    Great suggestions TallCool1.  I wish someone had told me those things 50 years ago!  Thanks!
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    The Ultimate in Recycling!

    Use a standard calf weaning ring,  but place it in the cow's nose upside down so that when she tries to suck herself,  it pricks her udder.  We had a dairy cow who did this but never again after placement of the ring.  I removed the ring after a few months and she had forgotten about sucking...
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    Need help with cow with no milk!!

    Tubing the calf is self-defeating because frequent sucking by the calf will help stimulate more milk production by the cow.  If you satisfy the calf's appetite,  it won't provide that stimulus.  Secondly,  if you want and can,  find a local dairy or dairy veterinarian who can get you some...
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    Genetic Defects in Shorthorns

    It is pretty clear, from the discussion here and elsewhere,  that DS needs some additional influence to be expressed.  Certainly PHA and TH are modifiers or enhancers of DS expression.    There is information that DS was seen in a herd where the  parents were PHAF  but from PHAC ancestors.   ...
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    THF/PHAF Monopoly son.

    I would like to see him in his working clothes!
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    Genetic Defects in Shorthorns

    So,  in Shorthorn Country article from 2014,  the following scenario to which I am referring with the herd inbreeding a DSC bull for up to 5 generations is described in part.  The first generation will be  DSF/PHAF  X  DSC/PHAF.    This results in 50% of the progeny to be DSC.  Breeding this...
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    cow in heat two weeks after birth

    Yes, it is possible and she may conceive although fertility will be reduced.    I remember a Milking Shorthorn first calf heifer in my Father's dairy herd who cycled at 10 days and got pregnant to the bull we had running with the cows and delivered a fine bull calf to that mating the next year. 
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    Genetic Defects in Shorthorns

    I have zero confidence in the DS test.    I recently visited a shorthorn herd who linebred (inbred) a  DS carrier bull up to the 5th generation and never had a DS calf.    Certainly, in that time,  if the test were accurate,  at least one calf would have been born that was affected.    Either...
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    Vaccination aftermath

    MultiMin will do this on occasion.  It needs to be given either deep in the muscle with an 1 1/2 inch needle or completely under the skin with the tent technique.    If it is given any differently,  it can cause a lot of pain.  Don't worry, however,  they will recover completely within a few...