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    Calving Question

    Check to see if there is manure in the rectum.  This  the way calves act who are not "hooked up"  inside,  in which case,  they always die. 
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    Galloway heads

    I guess I am not very perceptive,  but I need you to explain what I need to see on the ear set of these three bulls!
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    Cow died

    The only definitive diagnostic is a necropsy in which you would find an abdomen full of blood.    Alternately,  if it were not hemorrhage from a damaged uterine artery,  an necropsy would probably determine the cause of death.  That is why it is always a good idea to necropsy a cow who dies...
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    Cow died

    As the uterus begins to contract following calving and under the influence of oxytocin from nursing,  a middle uterine artery that was damaged during calving can pull away from the uterus because it gets stretched.    This is not common but does occur in perhaps one out of several thousand...
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    Is this a Market Heifer or Breeding Heifer

    Do you have a picture of her in her "pasture clothes?"
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    Cloning bulls

    You cannot clone from semen because the sperm is only one-half of an individual.
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    Umbarger and coccidiosis prevention

    Remember that whenever you have coccidiosis,  it is because of fecal contamination of the feed. 
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    EPD reliability

    I understand the accuracy statistics related to EPD numbers and the fact that as the accuracy approaches  1  that more faith can be placed in the numbers.  What I need to know is this,  how many animals must be in an EPD  "proof" for any particular accuracy level.    So if the accuracy is .35...
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    Canada vs U.S. Shorthorn purity

    Provided that there is full disclosure and freedom of choice,  it would be detrimental to close the shorthorn herd book to outside blood.  Those who want "pure",  whatever that is,  can seek out and use those genetics. Those who want some degree of outside influence can seek out and use those...
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    Freaky Fronts

    The same thing is happening on the other end of the show cattle with rump angles of 15 degrees or greater from hips to tail heads.    This is the result of faulty thurl placement and excessively straight hind legs,  both of which result in compromising functional soundness.   
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    Shorthorn Country Issues

    Colorado State University and Utah State University have a significant collection of Shorthorn literature that  you could probably obtain through an inter-library loan.  This is a wonderful project you are undertaking.  Digital records of these important historical documents is essential...
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    It is well not to place too much faith on a "non-asterisk" pedigree since ASA doesn't always get it right.    I have had "asterisk" pedigrees returned from parents who were both "asterisk free".    I love the reply from Oakview regarding his Oakview Medicine Man.    I would a lot rather use...
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    Thanks for posting these great pictures of older Shorthorn genetics.  I note with pleasure the correct rump conformation exhibited by these cattle which is so much in contrast to the rumps currently in favor in our show rings.      I would suggest, however, that there may be some confusion...
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    Need help steer having a hard time walking.

    This is not spastic paresis.  This is upward fixation of the patella where the medial patellar ligament gets hooked up over the medial trochlea of the femur and prevents the stifle from flexing.  This is predisposed by a straight hind leg conformation.    There is a surgical correction that is...
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    DMSO is not a carcinogen (EPA 2006)
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    dying cattle

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    dying cattle

    Excuse my cynicism and naivete but this just seems to confirm and reinforce the fake nature of showing cattle.  I guess I should dye my spotted cattle before I send them to market,  or maybe dye my red cattle black before marketing. 
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    Heifer Problems

    Maybe this isn't the heifer or seller's fault.    Have you checked for stray voltage in the area where she is kept or on your farm.    One of the most common causes for an animal to go off feed is lack of water and you mentioned she is off feed for the last week.  The water may appear to be...
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    Bulls with high milk traits

    After watching my calves rob milk from multiple cows over the years,  I think EPD's for milk are of no value.  The calves from high milk EPD mothers are probably just more aggressive at getting milk where ever and when ever they can. This is  more likely a measure of appetite and feeding...
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    natural selection during environmental change?

    Your cattle will do just fine.  Thirty-three years ago I married a wonderful lady from upstate New York.  Over a period of 2 plus years we moved more than 140 head of dairy cattle from a typical Eastern tie-stall dairy to our Southern Idaho open corral dairy with no barns and only windbreaks...