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  1. jconner2088

    Hoof trimming

    Thanks guys. Sorry haven't been on in a while. When we I was showing we used Kevin Newman, and then we have used Sugar Shane, but was hoping for someone closer for our clients around here. Have number for Meatball? 
  2. jconner2088

    Short horn bull sacred ground

    Anyone seen or know about the shorthorn bull sacred ground?
  3. jconner2088

    Hoof trimming

    We are searching for some one to hoof trim some steers in central Texas. We don't mind traveling. Just seeing who everyone uses. We are located about hr south east of Abilene.
  4. jconner2088

    head chute plans

    Cowman 52 id love to see some pictures. I am looking to build one also.
  5. jconner2088

    Fort Worth Steer Show

    I have seen close to 2000 at fort worth but 2800 would be tough to fit in the barns. The cross classes easy get in the 80 per class. Most of the other classes have right around 40 except for the americans which i'm guessing around 60. The polled Herefords always have way less than any others...
  6. jconner2088

    Fort Worth Steer Show

    I think i hear it was close to1600 steers. None of the breed steers have to be purbred. Just have to have enough breed characteristics to get in. Some years its a guessing game if one will get in. I have sent a purebred angus and got classed out . Fort worth is right up there with the best as...
  7. jconner2088

    Fort Worth Steer Show

    I thought mullinix did a great job. I didn't have any steers showing this year but sat front row. And he was not afraid to put what he liked at the top of a class. Was not afraid to pull way more than most would and sift through more than once. For one thing if they were tubular they were not...
  8. jconner2088

    Fort Worth Steer Show

    I could not tell you how many were shown it's alot. Top 10 in each class make sale. Classification happens on Wednesday. If you classify out you can not show. If sifted you mean non placing you can take them home and show them some where else. Fort Worth kids keeps all of sale money.
  9. jconner2088

    Here I am

    Yea the more bred to the better chance of there being good ones out of those breedings, but still very amazing of how many choose to bred that way.
  10. jconner2088

    Here I am

    The elusive will there ever be a new monopoly......
  11. jconner2088

    Here I am

    Anyone else notice the amount of Here I Am calves that were listed as either class winners or second in class in the crossbreds at National Western. I believe I counted 13. Thought? or just looking to much into it?
  12. jconner2088

    Love this time of year

    Shorthorn Bull Whitey,*sAR4254875. Used him on all our cows this year. Cant wait to see more calves from him, We had 5 calves from him this fall.
  13. jconner2088

    Love this time of year

    This is a bull calf out our shorthorn bull we call whitey( Red White Roan X monopoly/ Double Stuff)on a xray vision.
  14. jconner2088

    Love this time of year

    Starting to wean our fall borns. First picture is out of Red White Roan on a 20/20 vision cow
  15. jconner2088

    Where have all the readers/posters gone?

    I know several that read but never post. I am one of those rarely post but come to read and then bout this time of year try to sell a few calves. When I was an AG teacher I used it more as a resource for my students to help them get in on debates. However since I have gone to raising cattle full...
  16. jconner2088

    To early for Denver Display Bulls?

    Any one able to get to Denver to see the bulls?
  17. jconner2088

    To early for Denver Display Bulls?

    Those were good, sure do miss those. Now have to hope that someone just happens to take a picture or something and post it.
  18. jconner2088

    To early for Denver Display Bulls?

    There are plenty up now. Would love to know what ppl think of some of the bulls this weekend.
  19. jconner2088

    Spring Borm Calf

    Good looking calf. What you wanting to do with that thing?
  20. jconner2088

    Texas Playboy

    Ok i have seen one calf on here From Qb cattle out of this bull have there been anymore? have not heard much out of him or seen much out of him didnt know if he just didnt work or what the deal was.