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  1. jconner2088

    Boxel blowers

    Anyone ever use one have one how’s it compare. 
  2. jconner2088

    Feeding a Mini

    Alrighty folk, got us a couple of mini hereford heifers for my kiddos. When I say a couple about 5  (lol), between my father and myself we sure do like to get back ups for the back ups just in case the ones we are going to show have plenty of back ups  (lol). But my question is, when feeding a...
  3. jconner2088

    Mini herefords

    I sure appreciate all the numbers I’ll sit down and I’ll get to making some phone calls. If y’all k ow of anymore let me know
  4. jconner2088

    Mini herefords

    Really looking for some that we could start with them and jackpot this summer. I’ll keep ya in mind
  5. jconner2088

    Mini herefords

    I have been looking for some mini Hereford heifers anyone know anyone with some good ones? My oldest about to be 5 and he has been begging to get some so he can start showing like his friends most of his friends are 9 and 10 and first year steer showers. Looking to get heifers cause I’ve got 2...
  6. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Kevin Newman out in west texas owns him, Bullnanza in sweetwater carry the semen. This is the first I have ever known Kevin to let things out to the public. He likes to keep things in house and only really share with ppl he really knows. I have known him since i was a sophomore in High School...
  7. jconner2088

    Pen size

    We have some that are 10" and we have some that are 12". with them then being 20' long as well. We do those cause then we can buy 10 or 12' cattle panels to lock em in close to work on halter breaking and things like that. I like the 10' pens better for breaking plus the panels are cheaper.
  8. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Here are a few that we are trying this summer for some late spring borns
  9. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Take a look at Bullnanza or thegenesourse if your interested in any of the texas shorthorn bulls. Kevin Newman in Stanton is collecting and raising some dang good ones. No be it that are not registered but good cattle be good cattle.
  10. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Several good bull suggested. Like stated before it just depends what you end goal is. Ours is to make steers for down here in texas so don't have to be registered. So when it comes to breeding I just make sure the bull fits the cow and that I know if I get a heifer will I be mad. Sounds like...
  11. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Salty dog worked well to make mommas but for us his steers suffered from the nasty noassatall disease. We have a handful of cows that are out of him though and never fails they have our best calves every year and they never lack the muscle but like I said steers directly from him we were not...
  12. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Thanks the blue is out of my rwr bull and a salty dog X I80/maine.
  13. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Rwr/doublestuffxmonopopyx mab donor
  14. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Here are a few either from rwr or our solid white rwr
  15. jconner2088

    OKC Bulls (Denver Bulls)

    Mark I sure will. Finally looks like this weekend will warm up enough to dry up the mud holes we got. This weekend Im weaning most everything so will get some pictures for sure.
  16. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    If you look here you will see a few out of our rwr bull. Then I get some pictures of the news one in next couple of days. Had about 8 in of snow here over the weekend so everything is still pretty sloppy.
  17. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    Our RWR heifers have been really good. We have two that calved in nov and are doing good. They have grown well and are milking well. The MAB cow is in still early in her production but we had a nice no worries steer out of her that is being shown right now and the rwr heifer she had in august is...
  18. jconner2088

    OKC Bulls (Denver Bulls)

    I assume there were alot of Here I Am sons there this year. Usually get more pictures and stuff from the big time guys but this year they have been very guarded with them so kinda disappointed that there hasn't been as much sharing of photos. I know it was tough for a lot of folks to get out and...
  19. jconner2088

    Shorthorn/Shorthorn + Bull Recommendations

    We have had great luck using using Red, white roan on our shorthorns. We have a nice red white roan X double stuff/monopoly bull that we got from Carl Venable that we put on our crossbreds and never fails we will get some dang good females. This year we have probably one of the best heifers we...