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  1. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Thats what I thought.. I was at that sale that is a beast of a bull. full brother to a houston camp if i remember correct. That sale to me was one of his best.. none of them are bad but that was a dang deep set.
  2. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    when did you get him from Kris?
  3. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Two tone can make so good one... and that one is awesome man. Dig me some kris black bred stuff..
  4. jconner2088

    Looking for advice/tips....

    Keep working with him just shorter periods of time couple of minutes get good results even if it is he stands there for 30 sec. Then let him go. Then just keep at it. The longer periods of working and perstering is what it sounds like it goes wrong. Baby steps and patience.
  5. jconner2088

    Looking for advice/tips....

    I have wantes to ask what area you were in when you said he seemed hot on you of your posts. The last 3 weeks our showers have actually let calves have a break from working and just let the calves be calves for a bit sounds like he is broke sounds like he is gentle. Just let him be and not...
  6. jconner2088

    Breeding Club Calves

    Ill go out on a limb and anwser the why no embryos when first starting out. For some reason this is the first reponse of so many.  Embroys cost a whole lot more and a straw of semen yes ypu have to spend money to make it but i can tell you cause we have done the embryo deal its no guarantee. Not...
  7. jconner2088

    Breeding Club Calves

    Ok so let me take a stab.... flushing virgin heifers usually not a good idea... but we have had really good luck with ivf on heifers..... we have had really good luck using no worries on our clubby heifers. Dig your spurs in (blaze of glory son? If so have not had lots og experience with that...
  8. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Mark he was a steer momma maker . We love loved out yatzee heatwave crosses. Great mommas and could out milk just bout anything.
  9. jconner2088

    Can't get heifer bred!!

    Thats how it should be with little ones. Looks good. Nothing better than a little calf running round.
  10. jconner2088

    Can't get heifer bred!!

    Infertility in show cattle..... love when i read that cause you know so much of show cattle... sounds like got if figured out and got her bred the whole point. Would like to see a picture of the mab calves the mab x american calves that i have seen here in texas can be pretty cool.
  11. jconner2088

    Lautners hawkeye

    Finally able to get out and get a picture... not greatedt pic but can get eyes on her.
  12. jconner2088

    Lautners hawkeye

    Had not thought of red rocky. I know mimms in hereford is a big breeder of him.
  13. jconner2088

    Lautners hawkeye

    I figure there is either jpj or double stuff. Most things i run into have either or in it down here especially when someone tells me there is shorthorn but not sure what.
  14. jconner2088

    Lautners hawkeye

    Mark have though about using redneck just wasnt sure i wanted to use him on her this go round will be using him on some bigger framed x ray cows we have.
  15. jconner2088

    Lautners hawkeye

    Ill try and get a picture some time next couple days. Idk the breeding on bottom side just know shorthorn haha. Its a texas shorthorn deal....
  16. jconner2088

    Lautners hawkeye

    Has anyone ever bred anything to matts hawkeye bull. Looking at options on a new cow we have. She is a lovin 620x shorthorn thandpha free 4 yr old
  17. jconner2088

    Hereford breeders

    I have some that are monster assed and have no problems so it just depend i guess but that has not be one of those deals i cull because of it. Lol
  18. jconner2088

    Hereford breeders

    Drager still sells a bunch of shorthorn crosses. But think with his kiddos going alot of them get showed by them. Not sure for sure