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  1. jconner2088

    Hereford breeders

    I cant remember what clovis what its been yrs since i remember seeing anything from him. I know that the 313 cow has sired several good ones. You can get semen on him at  , By the way i am in no way attactch to drager or carr just being down here in texas I have dealt with alot...
  2. jconner2088

    Hereford breeders

    Eric drager has big country not sure any semen o  him i k ow they have several cows from him in the herd or at least use too. He has a few dabo for sale last yr if i remember right. 
  3. jconner2088

    Calving Ease Bulls (Mind Bender, Kolt Kane Nitro?)

    Thats what im talking about. I have a solid red cow thats out of lovin 620x xray vision that seeing those may have made my mind up what im gonna breed her too.
  4. jconner2088

    Calving Ease Bulls (Mind Bender, Kolt Kane Nitro?)

      Now that they have a red division for slick shear why not gives a place for those herefords that can class and those shorthorns that cant class.
  5. jconner2088

    Calving Ease Bulls (Mind Bender, Kolt Kane Nitro?)

    Yes sir, we have had some blue roans and they just have to be better than the rest to even do it and its had to do it. So we try not to put shorthorn blood on our blacks for that reason why i mentioned no worries. But with front &center in on it it could make a cool painted up one to outsider or...
  6. jconner2088

    Calving Ease Bulls (Mind Bender, Kolt Kane Nitro?)

    Hey with that ped i would not hesitate to use no worries. We have used him on several and like him alot. Ill attact a pic of a calf we had last july out of a man amonst boys x whiskey/meyer heifer. Also we have used rwr alot on all of our shorthorn/shorthorn appearing ( thats right i said it we...
  7. jconner2088

    Breeding heifers.

    Mark i dig the red neck roan bull. I have been looking for one for some time. Good roan bulls are hard to come by now.
  8. jconner2088

    Breeding heifers.

    Im telling ya that roan in the picture was the real deal, just happened to come at the wrong time for me to buy one or i would have been running at her hard. When we pulled into the pasture where she was i bout crapped myself, dont see very many shorthorn females like her anymore.
  9. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    We have a sib to the red steer hoping for a heifer. I appreciate the kind words we sure like them. Just a smaller time breeder but hoping to grow. Got three young kiddos of my own and trying to raise em for them to show and grt into
  10. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    The roan ended up being 6th and san antonio and we were headed to houston with him before everything happened. 
  11. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    This is also on out of the white bull
  12. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Both these steers are out of the shorthorn bull. The red steer was a half sib to the black bull. . If not for houston being canceled we were looking for them to make a splash there but there ya go. Havnt had any out of the american yet should have some in november or december.
  13. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    Ya the black does go a little old school. We bought a bunch of yahtzee cows back in early 2000 and who really clicked on em so bout 4 yrs afo i went back to it to make some cool steers no one bite on him so i left him intact and have laughed ever sincr, but we love him. throws em thick, hair...
  14. jconner2088

    Herd Bull Pictures

    American bull is a king of swing x beefmaster, black is a who made who x yahtzee, short horn is a red white roan x double vision 
  15. jconner2088

    Breeding heifers.

    Mark did you buy that one? I went and lolked at her she is flat.out awesome. I actually own the full sister to the lot 1 in that moylan sale. We are flushing her shorthorn hard this next go round. I wanted to buy that shorthorn bad. But just wrong time for us to buy.
  16. jconner2088

    show steer

    No papers needed. Only on heifers, steers classify by breed characteristics. Have you go a steer in mind?
  17. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    Other than the polled hereford that just onee hereford and really several polled herefords here in texas. Ill leave it with this texas show do things different. I appreciate the folks that tried to help and get me to someone that could help get these calves to fave heads dehorned and shapped...