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  1. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    Polled hereford angus no...... a polled shorthorn yes we still shape.
  2. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    Usually cosmo runs about 100.... i understood where k abe was going however even just doing paste or scoop from day one when calves get bigger i have had to still go get a head shaped. So not really any better. Especially with shorthorn calves here in texas you just dont get the look by just...
  3. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    Thanks guys, I was able to get em to shane meier. Only bout a 2 hr trip so not bad.
  4. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    You and I are talking two different things. Hense my first response......... Read OP
  5. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    Yea and ive seen ppl that have dont that to show cattle and man it sure didnt nip nothing in the bud for looks. Looking to dehorn and shape, cosmetic. Have learned over the yrs its an art. I have watched some vets try it and they butchered it.
  6. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    Ok thanks. Cody's might be the way to go. We usually have them done before they leave the place but with the wqy it has been this sale season things got crazy
  7. jconner2088

    Head shape job

    Needing to have two steers heads done dehorned and shapped. And recommendations. Steers are located in central tx.
  8. jconner2088

    Can't get heifer bred!!

    Show stopper hit it right breed her then shove a cidr in her
  9. jconner2088

    Lovin 620

    What bred them back too?
  10. jconner2088

    Lovin 620

    When you say not best milkera you mean cant raise one or just calf is a little behind at weaning? What where they like on bottom side one i just bought has shorthorn on bottomw side.
  11. jconner2088

    Lovin 620

    So dont know if you have first hand expeirence with them or that was a blanketed statement but really didnt answer the question.
  12. jconner2088

    Lovin 620

    How do they make as cows. What have anyone been breeding them back too.
  13. jconner2088

    slick shows

    Smoke colored tend to do the winning down here in texas slicked. I have aeen some really good black slivk calves vut hard to come by. Hard to see that black when it is all slicked off and not fit to a 9
  14. jconner2088

    PB hereford × Clubby bulls

    Back when texas made the fakeford famous heatwave was king at making them . Now its not seen as much. Now us texas boy take those old crossed up hereford cows and breed more pb bulls back on em. When someone says oh look at texas they ate all cross bred yea why not steers dont have to be...
  15. jconner2088

    barn layout

    I also wanna say this.... SKA  i dont know where you are from or how old you are, but i enjoy seeing you post on here, you ask questions and its a breath of fresh air because it sure was getting stale on this forum. So keep asking questions bud.
  16. jconner2088

    barn layout

    We dont always have babies in ours, we ai and doctor mommas through our barn as we so we built it to be able to handle 1100-1700lb cows. We have 6 10x 25 pens that are completly covered, end of the pens  is a 10x 60 alley. gates at the back can open up and allow to shut things in the alley. That...
  17. jconner2088

    Thoughts on this guy

    He is a king of swing on an american of carter airharts.... not really sure what the cow was guy i bought him off of wasnt told. Im sure if i really wanted to know i could call carter and he would tell me. King of swing is a american cross bull believe in me × beefmaster.
  18. jconner2088

    Thoughts on this guy

    I know what ya meant. I bought him to try and make some gert steers. So we will see.
  19. jconner2088

    Thoughts on this guy

    Lol I can only tell ya what's on the top side of this guy, cause bottom side comes from Carter airharts herd and sometimes that can be a tightly gaurded secret  lol