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  1. jconner2088

    Thoughts on this guy

    Ear? Has plenty for this Texas American deal.
  2. jconner2088

    Thoughts on this guy

    Thoughts on this bull? Good, the bad, the ugly
  3. jconner2088

    Houston stock show and rodeo canceled???

    Trust me it sucks. Had a steer going next week that was looking pretty good with that being his last stop now just gonna have to eat him.  That is if they dont get something figured out by next week 
  4. jconner2088

    This a show steer.

    Several county fairs down here grand can bring $20,000....
  5. jconner2088

    This a show steer.

    17500 High seller was actually this guy
  6. jconner2088

    This a show steer.

    Ill give a little free plug....Jared has been raising them for years. He was my ag teacher in high school. Most of the cows I run go back to his stuff. I have seen this calf in person and he is all that and a bag of sun chips.
  7. jconner2088

    Not a morning heifer.....

    IMO She is filling up on hay. If she isn't eating in the morning but at night she has been eating all night so she is full and doesn't want to eat in the morning. That's why she attacks it in the evening.
  8. jconner2088

    Opinions on the new blue ribbon 2 blade

    Black x block for glue for sure.  never had an issue with my super blocking breaking. All blades will rust if you dont take care though
  9. jconner2088

    Fort worth steer show

    And to be able for the kids to be able to take home 100% of whatever they bring in the sale is amazing.
  10. jconner2088

    Opinions on the new blue ribbon 2 blade

    If they are anything like the ultimate x block blades then just make sure your sure handed and have clipped a bunch, super sharp great for going through glued up legs. Only time i use mine are when i am fitting that's it. rest of the time they are hidden away and out of reach, cost to much to...
  11. jconner2088

    Fort worth steer show

    Not saying he doesn't, but do know if a calf here in Texas doesn't it's gonna be hard to compete.
  12. jconner2088

    Fort worth steer show

    I may be wrong but i believe that this matador is a different bull. If i have my story right  Day's the Matador is a right answer out of Kawligas full sister from Born Ranches, that the Day family bought form them. Born Ranches has raised several bulls that have been doing alot of winning down...
  13. jconner2088

    Fort worth steer show

    I was there for Thursday, so cant say how Friday went with most of the Exotics show. There have been yrs before that the best steer wasn't an exotic but the exotics won anyways. Some times it takes a guy to just do what he wants and stick to it. Watching the polled hereford and the horned...
  14. jconner2088

    Fort worth steer show

    Grand I know was a matador x made right. Now I can't remember what matador is and I don't want to say with out really knowing what he is . He is one that the Days bought from the born ranch I believe, and know he has hung some banners for them already. I have known the Days for a number of years...
  15. jconner2088

    Expanding View on The Pulse?

    Its a pain yes but if you click the photo it expands
  16. jconner2088

    Fort worth steer show

    Champ was polled herefordand reserve was hornedhereford. Been right around 30 yrs since it wasnt a exotic
  17. jconner2088

    Fort worth steer show

    How bout the grand drive  8) O0