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  1. savaged


    What method do most use, and at what age ? (a bull calf to be shown as a feeder).
  2. savaged

    Selecting AI Sires -- a search for recommendations

    I've been experimenting with this P.B. Limi cow for about 5 - 6 years now.  I also had a predominantly Limousin cow base, but have just this this one Limi left, and she is a really good cow. I have bred her Angus (Duff New Edition twice, Plainview Lutton),  shorthorn (Capiche), and now...
  3. savaged

    Got a few ????'s from a newbie

    Here is a Monopoly Money from a Pure Bred Simmental.  The cow has some hair, but her other calves from Angus and Simmental bulls have had typical hair.  This guy is yak-haired by comparison, and I think the Angus influence of Monopoly and Monopoly Money really worked on the Pure Bred mama.  I...
  4. savaged

    A few pictures

    Not sure where you are located, but you may want to reconsider posting a picture of you holding the owl.  I know some of the game wardens around here would not hesitate to prosecute under the protected status law.  We are not even allowed to possess a feather where I am. Just sayin.
  5. savaged

    newborn calves

    CWC,  if you search there will be a few threads on this subject. One was not too long ago. That said, it can really depend on a lot of factors, but most would say to be certain to vaccinate for clostridium.  Many - myself included - use Alpha 7 on newborns.  I also give a probiotic paste at...
  6. savaged

    CIDR removal

    It matters if you are TAI breeding.  I'll pull mine in the afternoon, then the 72 hour mark, if I have not observed heat, will be in the afternoon as well.
  7. savaged

    Monopoly or Eye Candy?

    I have had a couple of huge calves out of Eye Candy from composite cows.  The last one last week weighed 140 lbs.  Has anyone else had calf size issues with Eye Candy from composite cows?
  8. savaged

    Bushy Park Sale Catalog Posted

    Well, Bushy Park does not publish sale reports, but I followed this year's fall female sale pretty closely and purchased a bred heifer lot.   If this sale goes like that one I'd expect the open heifer lots to be on average north of $7,000.  Lot 36 certainly appears to be at least an average lot...
  9. savaged

    Monopoly or Eye Candy?

    For those cows I would use Eye Candy.  IMO he will add more bone, mass, and hair to an Angus cross.
  10. savaged

    A SimAngus Shortcut?

    For fun in an experimental kind of way, I bred one of my Simmy pure breds last spring to Monopoly Money.  I have been focused on breeding them to Angus or Simmy bulls in an effort to develop solid cow additions to my herd.  And, of course those good Sim-angus females make  a pretty good club...
  11. savaged

    Let's see them then, Jody

    Time for a deep breath folks.    What's the argument over?  It's not exactly the "better side" of livestock exhibition. I'm all about my cows Zach, and I know you are too, but raising and winning with lambs is no easy task.  I've tried it, and it is very difficult.  There is much more here...
  12. savaged

    Opinion of Simmi Steer

    I would recommend Apex from Umbarger.  Our calves tend to eat it a lot better than standard beet pulp or Full Tank. 
  13. savaged

    Best way to abort pregnancy

    I'm wanting to purchase a cow/calf from a friend to use as a recip but she is likely bred for a fall (September) calf.  Is it too late to abort the calf without causing any harm to the cow as a recip this spring?  I'll probably want to put an embryo in her around mid May.
  14. savaged

    Monopoly Money Reports

    This MM bull calf was born this morning out of a P.B. Dream On Simmental.  He is a beautiful color, and a pretty nice 50% simmy.    Came big though - I did not weigh him but he is every bit of 95 - 100 pounds.
  15. savaged

    A.I. setup questions!

    These protocols are proven, and IMO there are no better options than these out there.  I personally prefer the heat detect & TAI, with CIDR use.  It fits my work schedule and I can reliably get my cows into standing heat withing a weekend period, and my TAI can take place Sunday night / Monday...
  16. savaged

    Recommendations for Simmental Cows

    That's one I had looked at. I also wondered about the SimAngus bull Limestone Rimrock.
  17. savaged

    Recommendations for Simmental Cows

    I know there was a really good  thread on this a couple of months ago but I have searched extensively and can't find it.  I have a few Simmy cows (Legacy & Dream On genetics) that I would like to breed angus and make good sim-Angus cows to come back clubby on.  A couple of these cows are good...
  18. savaged

    low birthweight maine bull

    Mark, I have some DMCC Bodybuilder in the tank.  What is he best used on?
  19. savaged

    low birthweight maine bull

    Dam is sired by GCC ECC Dubai (Whiskey & Chill Factor)
  20. savaged

    low birthweight maine bull

    Mercedes Benz is another option.   Here is my heifer out of a Maine - 1st calf.  She was 50 pounds soaking wet. Just recalled that Benz is an Ali sired bull - I still would be OK using him on a Bojo.