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    Shorthorn History Buffs

    I have no doubt that some of the old time bulls can sire some real performance, but, in my opinion, some of it is probably due to the performance capabilities of their dams compared to the female side of what was available 45 years ago.  I have in front of me the 1971-72 Midwest Breeders beef...
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    Shorthorn History Buffs

    I assume by "threw them down a well" you mean the EPDs are not as high as you would like them to be?  I hope they are lower than the growth EPDs of the bulls we commonly use today.  You have to remember that the era bulls like President 26A  were developed in was the era of 400 pound weaning...
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    Shorthorn History Buffs

    I never used Director myself, but thought he was an excellent bull when they showed him.  I had some calves sired by his full brother, Hub's Doctor, out of the cows I got when I bought the K & K herd (small herd, 10 cows) and they were decent, but nothing great.  Pa Do bought several females...
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    Shorthorn History Buffs

    Butte Lee Leader 63rd was one of the better Leader 21st sons to be used in the midwest, mostly Missouri and Iowa.  I helped Larry Reap show Kenmar Leader 13B back in the day.  He was also a very good bull, one of the better Leader 9th sons I saw.  I liked Ralph Stirm's Kenmar Leader 21A just as...
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    feeding corn silage to cows

    I put a small skid loader bucket full of silage out for the cows yesterday, just to see what they'd do with it.  Of course, they've never had it before and have a pasture full of grass.  They just nibbled at it.  I'm betting come January they'll wonder where it's been all their lives!
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    feeding corn silage to cows

    Silage chopped yesterday.  It's been many years.  We chopped about 100 acres years ago along with a few neighbors.  We started out with a 1 row New Holland chopper, then went to a 2 row when they became available.  Barge wagons with end gates were used to haul in, I moved and packed with a 560. ...
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    Rose of Sharon family and Baron Victor

    To me, both of those bulls are dark roan. I suppose "purple" is in the eyes of the beholder.  My full Irish bull, Lazy D Ultimate Type, was a roan redneck and the red was a perfect red, not light red, not yellow, not black.  He was identical in color to many of the Leader 21 descendants we...
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    feeding corn silage to cows

    Any of you had recent experience feeding corn silage to cows?  We did it for many, many years, but it's been about 20 since we did it.  The corn is right here on the farm.  I will need to buy about 150 bales of hay otherwise and with the cost of hay, it seems to me it might be time to try silage...
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    Black shorthorns

    You can have all the information and education you want, but the fact is most of the cattle producers in the area south of us buy a bull if he's black and cheap. 
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    Rose of Sharon family and Baron Victor

    I always thought of Columbus as sort of a purple roan, at least as much or more than some of the photos shown.  Many of us old timers remember Steve Torgerson's "black nosed Pearl", a Clark daughter that did a lot of winning, can it really be 40 years ago?  I remember reading about a bull named...
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    Black shorthorns

    I'm somewhat of a traditionalist.  You can keep the black ones, give me the reds, whites, and roans.  I'll take my home raised Shorthorn beef over a Hardee's Certified Angus burger any day.  I haven't been able to figure out why black is best, other than a lot of money says it is. 
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    Rose of Sharon family and Baron Victor

    I would think there would have to be some Canadian cattle of dual purpose descent that would be "native" in Canada.  There are several dual purpose herds in the states that I think would be "native."  I have always been interested in why people want to preserve these genetics, other than for...
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    Help Please! Heifer lost hair at tip of tail

    We have had this before, usually a result of very wet conditions.  Unfortunately, our barn seems to collect water and we've had lots of rain lately.  Way too much time spent scooping water out.  I have put Coppertox on the switch and that seems to help in time.  I have put Envirosep on them...
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    back in the day...Polled Durham Heifer

    It's interesting to me how different folks in different areas of the continent operate and how they run their cattle.  I always try to remember that requirements and needs are so variable from area to area.  In central Iowa, for example, we have absolutely no concern for fescue tolerance.  In...
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    Iowa's cow herd

    A month ago or so I listened to WHO radio as farm show host Andy Peterson interviewed one of the candidates for governor.  Wanting to show he was a friend of agriculture, the candidate raved about the potential for massive growth potential of the cow-calf industry in the state.  He said we way...
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    weather influence on calf birth weights

    I have long believed that spring born calves following colder than normal winters were larger at birth than those born after warmer winters.  I have also observed that my fall born calves were significantly smaller at birth than their similarly bred spring counterparts.  Check out the article in...
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    Sun Country

    It looked to me like a very good sale.  Several very interesting bulls that can help a lot of people.  Year after year I watch these Canadian sales average at least twice what similar bulls sales average in the states, even considering the exchange rate.  (announced for this sale at 20%)  5,200...
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    Sun Country

    Here's what I have:  1-11,000  2-4,000  4-3,250  5-3,750  6-4,000  7-5,000  8-4,000  9-3,750  10-8,000  11-2,750  12-6,750  14-4,500  15-9,000  19-4,000  22-8,000  23-4,000  24-5,250  25-3,000  26-5,800  28-6,000  29-9,000  31-7,500  32-6,500  33-3,750  34-6,000  35-3,250  36  -3,000  37-5,000 ...
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    Purina Precon Calf Starter???

    My Purina dealer is absolutely amazed at how much of this stuff he sells.  Little or none is used for the original purpose, as mentioned earlier, as receiving feed for newly arrived feeder cattle to help them get started.  I don't think you can get certain medications in it anymore.  We feed a...
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    Is he stout enough for you?

    JIT needs no defense in this case.  X-Bar has done a magnificent job of "defending" him through his previous posts.  No real reason for this thread to continue.