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  1. vc

    I guess the parties over.

    I moved over from Breeders World when Red started this site, I have seen it grow and now dwindle down to where we are at now. I learned a lot. I found out that Shorthorn people don't seem to agree on anything. Watched the progression of several defects TH, and PHA, and a few more. Followed...
  2. vc

    Heifer Scholarship

    Currens’s Cows Foundation will be awarding a heifer scholarship again this October, applications and details can be found on our website We limit the scholarship to youth in California, so if any of you on here know of a young person who likes to show cattle, works hard and...
  3. vc

    one pretty heifer

    Heifer is being raffled off with all proceeds going to support the youth at the 2021 California Youth Ag Expo!
  4. vc

    Dealing with it

    As some of you may know, the foundation we started in my grandsons memory, Curren's Cows, sponsors heifer projects to kids in California. This year we sponsored a young lady from Shandon California, and a Young Man from our home town. With Covid and all the shut downs both young people have had...
  5. vc

    Night blind cow

    Have an older (9) cow who seems to be night blind, gets around fine during the day but at night she uses her nose to get around. I turned them out on the new grass in the pasture, with just a portion of the hot wire pulled back, so I can close it off if it rains or to irrigate if it does not...
  6. vc

    5 month old Primo Heifer

    Just wanted to share a picture of our 5 month old Primo Heifer, she is sopping wet but after no rain for the past several months that is OK with me.
  7. vc

    heifer scholarship program update

    An update on the scholarship program we started 3 years ago in honor of my grandson, we were able to supply 2 Angus heifers this past season to 2 very hardworking young women this year. They both did wonderful jobs with the heifers. Thankfully they were able to attend a few show early this year...
  8. vc

    Heifer scholarship

    To any youth who resides in the state of California, our foundation is excepting heifer scholarship applications up to October 1st. You can find the information and applications at If you know of a youth in California who would be interested please point them in our direction.
  9. vc


    Okay I was looking at a bull catalog, you have 6 full sibs all approximately the same age about 20 months, my question is how can the EPDs very so much from one to the other? The biggest gap is  Birth weight of calf 96 Ced -4 Bw+4.1 ww+80 YW +125 Radg +.20 DMI +1.02 SC +1.93 Doc +20 Cem +3 Milk...
  10. vc

    It has been a good first year.

    Well we are nearing the end of our first year of our foundations sponsoring beef projects, we were able to sponsor 2 heifer projects and one steer project. Both the girls with the heifer projects have done a great job, all though the heifers were from to different ends of the spectrum. A...
  11. vc


    This is my heifer out of Exar Tryon and an Ali granddaughter, she may have weighed 60 pounds at birth (first picture), in the second picture she is 308 days and weighing 870, I am thinking of breeding her to The Answer for a first calf. I added a picture of her clipped up, This is the heifer we...
  12. vc

    Heifer Scholarship update

    Are foundation (Curren's Cows) is half way through our first year of sponsoring a Breeding Heifer project, along with the heifer project we sponsored a local high school kid and a steer project and are helping with another heifer to a local 4H member. The young lady who received the original...
  13. vc


    Wow! is all I have to say. We walked through the pens at Colburn Cattle this past weekend, they have a little more 60 head of Angus heifers selling in the next two weeks. It is almost impossible to pick them a part, from top to bottom, a solid set of heifers and a gentle bunch as well. First set...
  14. vc

    Heifer Scholarship

    Wanted to give an update on our Foundation, Curren’s Cows, we are ready to accept applications, I have sent out the information to the State FFA, 4H and Grange Boards. Colburn Cattle is sponsoring the first heifer this year, and we have collected over $7,000 and have at least $5,000 more to come...
  15. vc

    Curren's Cows

    A little over a year and a half ago my life changed, in looking for answers I have found a way that I hope I can change someones  life in a positive way. I contacted several of the members on this board for their thoughts on what I was planning and if they remember me contacting them, thank you...
  16. vc

    First Primo Calf posted

    The manager at Colburns posted a picture of one of the first Primo Calves, he is out of a Fu Man Chu first calf heifer. Ron Colburn said they are coming in the 70-80 pound range, stout and hairy. I hope to be posting my own in about 5 weeks.
  17. vc

    poor fence builders

    After looking at the sale pages I have to think my stepdad would be rolling over in his grave if he saw all those leaning fences in the background ;). He was stickler for a straight fence. Probably not like how some of the houses and barns in the background were built to the slope either, food...
  18. vc

    My home raised heifer

    This is one we kept from my Ali cow, out of a Dr. Who son. She is bred to Primo.
  19. vc

    Then and now, from calf to cow

    I inherited a cow, her owner joined the Army and gave her to me to take care of. Well i thought I'd show her development from calf to cow. The first picture is when she was delivered to her owner, second her first show, the picture of her at the feeder is when I picked her up, she had just...
  20. vc

    N/c when your world comes crashing down

    Removed, I was not thinking others and what it may trigger in their feelings