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  1. P

    Shorthorn AI Sire Directory

    I have copies of the "Shorthorn AI Sire Directory 2008-2009" And the ":Shorthorn AI Sire Directory 2012-2013" does anybody know if the AI Sire Directories were done for different years besides those 2 years. If so where can i get my hands on some of them or is there a digital copy somewhere.
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    ? Simmental bull with white socks on back feet

    Looking at a young Simmental bull prospect but he has nice little white ankle sock on both back feet.  I am concerned about the possibilities of him throwing spotted calves.  Any of you got any experience with this? I know his dam carries the spotter gene, she has thrown a couple of spotted...
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    Your thoughts on some Shorthorn AI Sires

    I would like to hear your thoughts and/or experience with following bulls.  What do you consider their strengths and weaknesses?  What do you like and/or not like about them? MURIDALE RAW HIDE 6E...
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    Semen Tank Info??

    Looking at buying a new Semen Tank. Currently, have an old LINDE XR16 TANK from ABS but it only has 3 canisters.  Looking for advice or reviews/experience on the tanks below. CT-20 Semen Tank MVE SC 20/20 Semen Tank Worthington AI24 MVE XC 20 Signature
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    University of Illinois Sire Test

    Thought we might start a discussion on this since the "Top 5 thickest shorthorn bulls available" thread headed this direction to allow discussion on the Sire Test and allow the other thread to return to the original intent.
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    Shadybrook Scotty Daughter and calf in South Alabama,

    A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with Sue about a calf I am keeping back to observe.  I was able to snap a photo with my cell phone yesterday. 
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    Commercial Type Cattle Discussion

    Bedrock "I/ d like to hear everyone describe "commercial " type cattle." I am starting this thread after reading some talk on the Everyone jump in and post their definition for themselves and their environment.
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    Shorthorn Blood Percentages Registration?

    Is the Shorthorn blood percentage chart being used anymore or is it out the window?  The reason I ask is if you go by the chart a 15/16 bull bred to a 7/8 cow results in a 15/16 calf non-appendix registered (*x......). I realize if you say 14/32 + 15/32 you get 29/32 which is not the same as...
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    Sangamon Irish Plumber

    Anybody know anything about this old Shorthorn Bull?  If there is semen still floating around? I have never used the bull but when I bought my first shorthorn heifers back in 1999 the lady I bought them from talked about this bull.  She said he made them red and thick.  After seeing some of the...
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    Shorthorn AI Certificate ?

    ii. A.I. Certificate: As of June 1, 2015, owners of A.I. bulls may declare their bull either an A.I. Certificate required bull or a non-A.I. certificate bull. Once a bull has been declared a non-A.I. certificate bull, the status will remain permanently. If required, an A.I. Certificate, properly...
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    Simmental Bulls Input Requested

    Have any of you all had any experience with the following bulls, and how did you like the calves and retained heifers. Kappes Direct Force K206 Triple C EL Ponderosa Rey SJ Thorne TNT Jumpstart  R238 I have used these bulls so I know how they have worked for us but was interested in others...
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    Shorthorn Bull Opinions DRC 101VM (Dover) and RS DV 034 329 08

    This year I am letting the home raised Goldmine 2109 son tend to the Shorthorn cows.  However I am going to AI both his dam and full sister to one of either DRC 101VM (Dover) or RS DV 034 329 08. Both bulls on paper pretty much accomplish my goals of moderating size keeping birthweight low...
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    would like to visit a farm on upcoming trip

    Any of you shorthorn or simmental guys in TN, KY, or IN  located near I65 South of Louisville, Ky or within an hour of Louisville, KY.  Would like to visit a farm or two if possible on upcoming trip.  Reasons. 1. See differences in management. 2.  Learning experience