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  1. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Is this heifer stunted or am I just overthinking it?

    I’m not sure if I’ve gone barnblind as they say but another set of eyes would be nice. I dont own a scale but breed is red angus for reference I’m about 5’3 her mother isn’t the most tall cow ever I just would like some more opinions thanks all in advance!
  2. TexasRedsAndShorties


    For anyone who has any experience with this I have a really nice female she roaches in her topline but other than that really throws calves that have such nice balance and dimension (when we aren’t including the roaching of course) just wondering if all of her calves will have that even if I...
  3. TexasRedsAndShorties

    How to put more height on a calf?

    I assume/kinda know it's add more protein but I'm just curious about any specific methods of feeding I may not know about! Thanks in advance
  4. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Roaching heifer fixes

    Just looking for some things I could try she hasn’t really always been like this I’m hoping and thinking she just tweaked something during Halterbreaking but looking to try to fix it she’s a darn good one but the roaching makes me cringe so bad advice and if anyone’s succeeded in fixing one so...
  5. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Give er your worst!

    Would love to know what peoples opinions are on one of my new show heifers for the upcoming two years so yup give er your worst let’s hear some opinions dam is a jcl fire and ice daughter out of duff red bear and this calf is sired by jcl polo national champ bull
  6. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Cheap hair growth?

    I have no issue with putting in the brushing work rice rooting blowing etc. BUT… after a while (even though I know it’s good and works amazingly) showcoat gets a little heavy on my pocket book so what are some real good hair growing assets that aren’t gonna take all my money I’m talking external...
  7. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Donor Cows With nursing calves?

    What should I be feeding them mineral wise and feed wise they are on mostly grass and hold their condition very well (Red angus) but what do other outfits do for their donor herds? I have been supplying them with nice mineral blocks and whatnot just a fun question I ask this to gain knowledge on...
  8. TexasRedsAndShorties

    2023 Rodeo Austin!

    This website and the people on it are awesome and here is what it helped me achieve(With God And Prayer Of Course) Reserve Junior Heifer Rodeo Austin! Along with 2 Class wins one a class of 9 the other 4 was a pretty good year with 3rd in a class of 5 in San Antonio two second places in San...
  9. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Showing a cow/calf pair?

    getting my heifers bred soon so my questions for anyone who has successfully shown pairs are A do i need to watch out for my show heifer becoming aggressive about the calf B how do you safely transport multiple pairs and C Share your experiences please!
  10. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Fitter 52 Fresh And Feminine Or Femininity Your opinions?

    What did you think about these products did they work for you? <cowboy>
  11. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Brisket skin help! New here yeah I’m aware this site has kinda died down

    I have a red angus heifer out of MLK Bigfoot and if you look him up you will very quickly realize the issue I’m having with this heifer her brisket is not filled out but this excess skin is a problem! And makes her brisket look alot larger than it is in reality my question? What can I do neck...