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  1. knabe

    twin valley polling, maine anjou

    Manon of spring, scurred fullblood Maine Anjou heifer DNA tested scurred. I think the only genetics available from twin valley line without inox in pedigree. all the semen from sire was frozen with a faulty extender, so all semen was bad. this heifer was from an embryo...
  2. knabe

    Ino's perfection

    i forget the black bull, black attack maybe the single bull is amerifax bull mr. beefy/
  3. knabe

    cattlemen's congress posts

    conversation with Jarold Callahan from express ranches conversation with Blake Nelson with American Maine Anjou Association...
  4. knabe

    cattle practices in brazil article talks about how JBS is supposedly trying to minimize cattle sourced from deforested land. not sure how they can do that, since most of it was deforested...
  5. knabe

    latest cattle research link
  6. knabe

    how to get a hold of jason

    anyone know how to get a hold of jason?
  7. knabe

    old shorthorn books

    can anyone recommend a good archivist on here or otherwise? would like to donate books that list all registered shorthorn calves by year. i guess these were how it was done back in the day instead of a digital database. responding to this thread or pm is fine. just pay shipping
  8. knabe

    New members allowed?

    Are new members allowed?
  9. knabe

    marketing meat

    came across a neat butcher shop near cave creek arizona. for beef, they have prime grain fed angus from midwest and local grassfed beef. pretty cool.
  10. knabe

    old hereford sale catalog

    here's a cool old hereford catalog with offspring from beau brummel at Hazford Place Herefords
  11. knabe

    camilla Chance 14w pic

    nice angus bull. there were way more simmental and gelbvieh than any other breed in the catalog. sorta shows the focus of the cattle industry back then to address midget cattle still around.
  12. knabe

    butte Lee Leader 63rd pic

    only shorthorn in the catalog. polled bull. looks wasty fronted, short spined. sorta like many shorthorns i remember in feedlot trials and carcass review for 3 years from back then. not all were like that, as i saw a few dividend cattle back then.
  13. knabe

    ranchers look to build own meat plants
  14. knabe

    where are the moderators? nowhere i guess. sad.

    it is probably annoying being the moderators, but what is the turnaround time for removing posts?
  15. knabe

    weed robot this one uses laser.  one can see these in salinas, california
  16. knabe

    Cattle with small brains. Not sure what this means. I’ve been around humans too long.
  17. knabe

    dutch belted saw a few bulls this breed at stud this weekend. kinda cool. one guy is trying to save the germplasm/breed. The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy now lists Dutch Belted as on the critically rare breeds of livestock in the North America...
  18. knabe

    old magazines on ebay
  19. knabe

    lemon grass, cattle emissions
  20. knabe

    Interview with Tim ohlde

    Hadn’t seen this before Wish he would have talked about more about 6807 more about 1019 more about Emblazon more about Blackbird occ legend Frisians, red and white and black and white America’s Quirk’s Ildeno and others V8 Dividend Shorthorns to cal poly and...