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  1. librarian

    Wayne Caldwell Neely Collection of Old Shorthorn Cattle Catalogs

    Thought some folks might find these interesting. Hope all is well. I just raise Galloways now but always will love Shorthorns.
  2. librarian

    Grey Breasted Jock

    I have a nice bull calf sired by an Emulation 31 grandson out of a white Native cow. He is not blue roan, but black with charcoal underline. He is kind of a collector's item by virtue of Leader 21 close up on the bottom and E31 on the top. The Angus side also has Alap of Wye. Im selling the pair...
  3. librarian

    Herd grazing just north of Tyndall, SD

    I saw a  nice herd up there the other day but cant figure out who they belong to? Does anyone know? Lots of old fashioned roans and good udders. You can PM me.
  4. librarian

    Sararennan please stop

    What you are doing is so uncool. This used to be a great neighborhood.
  5. librarian

    May/June Shorthorn Country page 12

    A good article by Matt Woolfolk on the top ten Shorthorn sires by progeny and where are we going with this?
  6. librarian

    Columbus of Wye Angus genetics

    Interesting herd with four sons of Columbus of Wye as walking herdsires. Sale calves by these bulls. 50 years of linebreeding a strain from Wye, Jorgenson, NBar and E31. Disposition issues selected against generations back... maternal excellence selected for...
  7. librarian

    Native calf...just a picture of whats new

    DMH What A Surprise heifer out of CSB Maid of Promise E5. My Haumont bull, 211, just waiting around for something to do.
  8. librarian

    Emulous Master 209

    Actually, Im trying to learn about this bull, Emulous Master 209, a 7/8 brother  to Ankonian Dynamo. If anyone can comment about females of this meat sire line, I would appreciate  the insight.
  9. librarian

    Some history..Angus Bull Puts Iowa Farmstead on National Register

    And, since Im studying Angus, sharing an interesting article about Pleasant Valley Stick Farm in Iowa..homeplace of Earl Marshall.
  10. librarian

    Seven Decades of Jorgenson breeding

    Lots of good Angus history and photos
  11. librarian

    Piedmontese cattle, Aurochs Zebu cross

    Could some scholarly person point me to dna work that either supports or refutes this legend? And who was Dr. Maletto? The Piedmontese Cattle The Piedmontese cattle, as the name...
  12. librarian

    Domestication and Genome Evolution
  13. librarian

    More on Native

    I just bought a Native Dual Purpose bull from Haumont in Nebraska. I'm getting a few females together from  different Native/Heritage breeders.This North Dakota CSB Maid of Promise cow is going to be my foundation female. Thats an early April heifer calf on her.
  14. librarian

    Can’t find an old picture

    I used to have a picture of someone, maybe Don Cagwin, holding Kenmar Ransom. Maybe we even talked about it on here. Does anyone remember that picture? Thanks
  15. librarian

    Haplotype diversity of the myostatin gene among beef cattle breeds, 2003

    I am still studying the F94L mutation. This is a “conservative” mutation, where there is a substitution of one amino acid with similar function for another. The mutation is non disruptive. I need some common sense help on a hypothesis concerning Myostatin role in glucose metabolism and some...
  16. librarian

    OCC Great Plains

    Does anyone have experience using this Angus bull on heifers? I have an Angus x British White  heifer that is double bred Homer on top and I would like to breed her OCC.
  17. librarian

    Head shape calves from 1950’s version shorthorn bulls?

    I bought the 1952 Shorthorn World that knabe shared info on. I finally got to looking at it and it was kind of a disturbing moment looking at the photos. I used to think this type animal was what would work in grass finishing- they are bred for early maturing baby beef which is what most grass...
  18. librarian

    Native Influenced calves

    Day old twin bull calves sired by YY Glasgow. The dam, Fairview Marys Dream, is by DMH Minn Max Leader ( Cruachan Max Leader on Haumont) out of the full sister of CCL6th (a Leader 6th son). The YY sire of the calves shows some real multi generational deliberate breeding. I love to see animals...
  19. librarian

    Clover Leaf Farm

    Something that I stumbled on. The photo is probably circa 1920-1930, The frame size says a lot about what Shorthorns really were, Perhaps this is the Good Choice (by Choice Goods?) son mentioned on the Tracy business card. “ John Wesley Tracy, 1868-1931, Nebraska Pioneer, was an enterprising...
  20. librarian

    HIS IMAGE OF BENT SPEAR Does anyone have a photo of this bull?