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  1. vc

    Heifer ration

    They take more management when feeding, they can get fat on you overnight it seems like. I would find a good developer feed with a protein % over 14, and feed her 2 percent of her body weight to start. Just keep an I on her and adjust the feed according to how she is developing.
  2. vc

    Heifer ration

    Market or breeding heifer?
  3. vc

    First year show steer, Feedback needed!

    Not sure what your looking for, is it a slick show, what does he weigh, when is your show? He looks good, I would try and get some more fill in him, and some more finish. For finish I would start him on Stabilized Rice Bran, start with a pound a day and work him up to 2 pounds a day. For fill we...
  4. vc

    Feed back on my idea

    I would breed her to a low birth weight bull (calving ease) for the first time, a live calf and healthy cow are better than a dead calf or Cererian. You might look and breeding her to a low birth weight Main Anju or something like that. I'm not positive but you should be able to register...
  5. vc

    Heifer getting quite the belly

    She looks fine may be just in a stage of growing, have you wormed her? She definitely is not getting fat, You may want to even increase her feed a little more. The feed you are feeding her is designed for heifers intended to used as a breeding heifers after reading the label, you will want to...
  6. vc

    Heifer getting quite the belly

    That's to much grain in my opinion, I would cut het down to 8-10 pounds of grain for a short time to see if she will slim down then just feed her 2% percent of her body weight. You are currently feeding more than 3% of her weight, she is getting way more calories than she needs to grow, so she...
  7. vc

    How to improve my steery heifer

    you might try Fresh & Feminine, there are a few reviews on this site that say they had good results from it.
  8. vc

    Heifer getting quite the belly

    Feeding a market heifer is quite tricky, you can't feed them like a steer they will get fat on you. How much is she getting a day, how much does she weigh. any pictures, it might help to see what she is looking like.
  9. vc

    Market steer feed

    No, I have not but I remember quite a few discussions by other who had, should be able to find them in the archives. This one is from 2012, and they were complaining about $15 bags of show feed I would love $15 show feed.
  10. vc

    Market steer feed

    Trying to go on the cheap side can be great if you make sure and get all the correct amount of nutrients and correct balance of protein and fat, along with all the vitamins and minerals a steer requires. Look up the AAOK feed ration on this site and see what he mixed and the amount, it was a...
  11. vc

    I guess the parties over.

    I moved over from Breeders World when Red started this site, I have seen it grow and now dwindle down to where we are at now. I learned a lot. I found out that Shorthorn people don't seem to agree on anything. Watched the progression of several defects TH, and PHA, and a few more. Followed...
  12. vc

    Clubby bull disposition

    We had 2 Here I Am calves 3 years ago, they were both fine, the next year, 2 Chosen 1 calves the following year, both were dog gentle as well. The cow as well as where they come from and how they are handled as babies can play a big part in attitude also.
  13. vc

    Virgin heifer not cycling

    There is a chance she could be a freemartin, may have been twins and the other twin never completely developed and either passed with the afterbirth or was absorbed in the womb.
  14. vc

    Opinions on steer

    Great job, I was close on the weight.
  15. vc

    Fresh and feminine or femininity?

    How much are you feeding her, what is that fat and protean content? Market or Breeding?
  16. vc

    Opinions on steer

    1350-1400 lbs. Hard to say, he is definitely deep sided. Good luck at your show.
  17. vc

    Fat feed or supplement

    0ne to 2 months, most products will be the same time frame
  18. vc

    Fat feed or supplement

    Manna-pro Max-e-Glo, but I have used other, as long as it is stabilized, plain rice bran has a shorter shelf life and loses nutritional value over time
  19. vc

    Steer won’t gain weight

    Was that weight empty, is so you can make it no problem, from May 12 to June 4 He gained 3.65 lbs a day, if he continues on that pace he will weigh 1058, if you feed him 12 pounds of grain and get him to drink at least 6 gallons of water prior to weigh in, he should weigh around 1118. You want...
  20. vc

    Fat feed or supplement

    I posted in your other thread, Stabilized Rice Bran, give them a smooth finish and has worked wonders for us, cost less than a lot of the other supplements as well.