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  1. looking4champions

    Need advice on my first steer

    If I'm reading your post correctly you said 18 lbs total per day. In my opinion 9 lbs twice per day (18 lbs total) doesn't seem like a lot for a steer at 1200#. Give him all he can eat and clean up twice per day. That will definitely add more depth of body over time. Free choice hay will...
  2. looking4champions

    Hair Growth

    The most important thing is what are you feeding him? If you're feeding him a ration that's high in energy then that will make it hard for him to grow hair. No matter what time of year it is. A hot ration will cause one to shed hair because of it's high internal temperature from the energy in...
  3. looking4champions

    Steer Not wanting to eat 😢

    What has the temperature been like where you are? What are you feeding other than the oat hay? How much oat hay are you giving the calf? What are the numbers on your ration (fat, fiber, and protein %). Is it a commercial feed or custom mix? How often do you wash/rinse blow your calf...
  4. looking4champions

    New to showing need help with show stick

    The show stick is all of the above and then some. You should treat it like it's an extension of your arm and hand. It is used to get your steer's attention: a tap on the nose or head when leading. It is used as a brake: to slow your steer down if it's walking too fast in the ring. It's used...
  5. looking4champions

    Steer won’t gain weight

    First and foremost. Slow down and breath.!!!! The easiest and worst thing to do is to start changing a steer's ration. Especially when you're desperate. Adding this, taking a way that.... etc. doesn't give you ample time to gauge what's working and what's not working. Be grateful he's not...
  6. looking4champions

    Unbreakable Steer

    How is this steer bred (sire x dam). You need to go back to the basics. Leave him tied up for a few hours. Preferably he should be tied up so he cannot move side to side. Get a bucket with water, dip a rice root brush in it and brush him all over where you can. Every day. Start on his head...
  7. looking4champions

    Help with show steer

    Are you giving him any hay?
  8. looking4champions

    HELP with steer walk

    Okay...... Yes. A good trim will help a lot.
  9. looking4champions

    HELP with steer walk

    One claw looks a little longer than the other. Not sure how the other hooves are.... He could have some overgrowth underneath. They will adjust the way they walk to the condition of their hooves sometimes. If you are showing steers, there has to be someone within at least a 100 mile radius...
  10. looking4champions

    HELP with steer walk

    Has he had a hoof trim? If so, when? If not you can start there, but it appears that may be just the way he tracks. I can't tell if it's time for him to get a hoof trim. How close are you to your show? You definitely don't want to go too far trying to correct an issue with his hooves if...
  11. looking4champions

    Generator for Shows

    Looking to buy a generator to use at shows. I know just abour any generator can run clippers and a fan. I would like to get one that could at least run a double blower set up. Maybe the thing to do is just use a single blower at the shows!?!?! Any suggestions on brand and wattage?
  12. looking4champions

    November born steer

    It used to be a manor concern feeding a younger steer.  Now with the genetics of steers, it depends.  Depends on: how big are you expecting him to get, how is he bred/genetics, will your feed program (with or without adjustment) will get him there. Getting him properly conditioned will be your...
  13. looking4champions

    What is everybody else witnessing?

    You said it best!  "The quality shines through even at the most political arenas...." You know it's sad when everyone is paying attention this this one particular steer, even the top jocks are watching..... Then the steer gets in the showring and places way down the line.  The when the show is...
  14. looking4champions

    What is everybody else witnessing?

    I got a good little chuckle out of this, but I'm pretty sure he's referring to the van in Scooby-Doo LOL, That's it! You got me.  I know every judge has their flavor.  It's just that when the selections start to lean too heavily to one side or the other. Something goes lacking.  Either one is...
  15. looking4champions

    What is everybody else witnessing?

    From show to show, I'm noticing that "show steers" are not always winning shows.  More and more I'm seeing instances where big meaty calves with short necks and side profiles like the mystery machine are winning shows. What is everyone else seeing?
  16. looking4champions

    Online Sale Season Has Started.

    I would like to see someone put a lifesized stuffed steer in an online sale and say it's sired by Here I Am. Just to see how much it would go for.  I swear some of these calves people are paying $5K for probably wouldn't sale if they were sired by anything else.
  17. looking4champions

    Online Sale Season Has Started.

    I saw that.... Heifer.... Steer.... Heifer....Steer. I thought it wasn't gonna end.  There was high quality deep into the last lot.  When you breed quality stock the people will buy it, wherever it is!!!
  18. looking4champions

    Online Sale Season Has Started.

    These days it's only Show Circuit and Steerbidder for me.  I used to go to StockShowPlanet and Breeders World.  Now it seems everyone gravitates to SC and Steerbidder.  Live auctions with a lunch and interaction with the animals, breeder and other families is almost a thing of the past now. 
  19. looking4champions

    Rule Supplements "Thicc"

    Has anyone ever tried or does anybody use the Rule Supplements for show cattle.  It seems the guys who started the brand are heavy into sheep and dairy.  Their "Thicc" supplement sounds like it should work well. Just looking for any user info on the Rule brand of supplements and any feedback.
  20. looking4champions

    Best Clubby Bulls for Charolais Cow

    Solid Gold Goldilocks Milk Man Smilin Bob