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  1. DCC_Cattle

    Uno Mas Question

    $50 is definitely pretty reasonable from what I've seen. We used 3 straws this spring and 2 stuck. We like the idea of getting heifer calves that can be 1/2 Simmental no matter what kind of cow or heifer.
  2. DCC_Cattle

    Transport companies?

    We just sent a steer to California with Marty Mickelson 435-757-0811 He mentioned that they come through Ohio once a week and haul to Florida quite a bit.
  3. DCC_Cattle

    Dakota Gold

    We've had 2 Dakota Gold's. The one we sold last year had a pretty horrible temperament in the beginning but ended up pretty calm after a lot of work. He finished as 4th Overall Market Steer at a very tough county fair. The one we sold this year had an awesome temperament from the start. I will...
  4. DCC_Cattle

    Fringe-What are the BWS really like

    We own Fringe and use him on all of our Purebred cows as well as a clean-up bull for the rest of the herd. Here are the results we've had... Shorthorn cows - birth weights have ranged from 75-148#. Those big calves are coming out of cows that normally have big calves. We've had no bigger calves...
  5. DCC_Cattle

    Online Sales

    We've been noticing the same thing. Too many sales and too many BAD cattle! We had our own online sale a week ago and were very pleased with the results. We don't buy anything - every calf is born on our farm. This was our second year to sell online and we were a little nervous because we saw...
  6. DCC_Cattle

    Has any used JSF Broker?

    We have a very nice spring born Broker x Red Demand bull that will be selling in the Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale in March. He was 78# at birth, nice calf overall. As far as the semen being $100 per straw, heard he was injured or deceased.
  7. DCC_Cattle

    simple math and long time coming

    We bred 4 head to Simple Math a few years back, none of them took. Bred them to different bulls the next heat cycle and they all took. We have since purchased 2 bred heifers sired by him and they've made great cows. Always calve easy, milk well and wean big calves.
  8. DCC_Cattle

    Cow Choking on Placenta

    It can definitely happen. Had a cow a couple weeks ago that cleaned when we were not in the barn, when I went back out to check on her and the baby, she was eating her afterbirth and all of the sudden started choking. She let a huge cough out and it was like she was blowing a huge bubble of gum...
  9. DCC_Cattle

    MAB Clones

    Are there any calves out of the MAB clones yet? Curious as to how they compare to the original MAB.
  10. DCC_Cattle

    What to use on First Calf Heifers

    We've considered Jesse James on first calf heifers, but had one this morning out of a mature cow that weighed 108#. Also, had a friend lose a 95# calf out of a first calf heifer. I've heard a lot of success stories though. When you get into these clubby bred cattle, it's all in how the mating...
  11. DCC_Cattle

    Bandwagon calves?

    Has anyone had any or heard of any Bandwagon calves yet? We've had one that's pretty cool and one more to come later this spring. Thinking of using him a lot more this year!
  12. DCC_Cattle

    New calf problem

    If the baby seems to be doing fine and has energy, then she is probably nursing on her own. We've had cows like this before. They will kick like crazy when we try to assist a calf to nurse or just when we're around, but if you go away and poke your head in, the cow lets it nurse just fine. We...
  13. DCC_Cattle

    Bird Control?

    After a very cold winter last year we had an out of control number of birds make our barns their home. Starlings, sparrows and pigeons. Why leave when you have all the corn you want, right? We tried everything and nothing worked to get rid of them. This fall we had a red tailed hawk show up and...
  14. DCC_Cattle

    Nun Better

    What are everyone's thoughts on Lautner's new sire, Nun Better after seeing him in Denver? Here are a couple pictures I've seen of him online.
  15. DCC_Cattle

    Poor Conception Rates...

    We used probably 6 different bulls on those 11 cows. All semen was purchased from the same place. We always breed on natural heats. We thaw our semen in a thermos that's not electric. Just water out of the faucet to the correct temperature. Actually, 4 of the cows were bred by another technician...
  16. DCC_Cattle

    Poor Conception Rates...

    Not too happy, out of the last 11 cows that have been AI'd, 9 of them have come back in heat. 2 of them have been confirmed bred by blood testing. Has anyone else had trouble this year? It appears we could have some semen quality issues. Usually it's the other way around. Out of 11, only 2 would...
  17. DCC_Cattle

    Red And White One And Only Calf

    We had a Red Baldy heifer last year out of One N Only and a black Sun Seeker cow....It can happen! :)
  18. DCC_Cattle

    I 80 x Grizzly bull calf

    Nice looking calf! Nothing better than a first calf heifer calving on her own!  :) I wouldn't worry about a newborn toeing out (Muddy Creek)  ;)
  19. DCC_Cattle

    Suddenly Sick Calf

    Thanks for the replies! We lost her shortly after I posted on here. Our vet had us bring her in so they could take a look on the inside. All looked good, even her lungs until they got to the heart. There was a hole as big around as a man's finger between the right and left side. It's not that we...
  20. DCC_Cattle

    Suddenly Sick Calf

    Have a 2.5 month old Monopoly 2 heifer calf who went from being perfectly fine to laying around, breathing heavy and just very lethargic. Her temperature was 102.1. Had the vet out and he said she had a small case of pneumonia but then also diagnosed her with Ventrical Septum Deviation (hole in...