A SimAngus Shortcut?

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
For fun in an experimental kind of way, I bred one of my Simmy pure breds last spring to Monopoly Money.  I have been focused on breeding them to Angus or Simmy bulls in an effort to develop solid cow additions to my herd.  And, of course those good Sim-angus females make  a pretty good club calf breeding platform, right?

So, with Monopoly's Angus dam, and then Monopoly Money's Maine-Angus Dam, and a little Heatwave mixed in - I thought it may be an interesting genetic mix.  What I got is a pretty darn good bull calf.  Stout, square, looks to be pretty close to what I want in stature, and he is very hairy(though she put the red on him).  He cleaned-up the neck coming from my Dream-On cow pretty well too.

So, am I just as well off to repeat the recipe and try it with a couple more cows? Would a heifer of this mating make a good cow?  I'm wondering if I can just mix the Angus, Maine, Simmental, and composite in one quick generation.  Does it make sense?



  • Monopoly Money @ One Week (resized).jpg
    Monopoly Money @ One Week (resized).jpg
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