It's getting the time of year when cows are calving or almost done and time to start thinking about AI-ing so I'll be the first; I have this cow that is a Slick 50XHooDoo. She's 37.5% Maine and 25% Charolais. THF and PHAF. Her calves no matter who I've bred her to all have enough foot size and bone but they just go up and take longer to fill out. Most of the time after our fall sale to get the rib shape and widen out. I need to use a bull that will moderate. I've thought of using Campbell's Fast Freddie, Two Tone, BIM, etc. Any suggestions are appreciated. Shorthorn, Maine, Simmental, Charolais, Chi, etc. Clubby too. She's calved 100+ bws with no problems and milks well. She's had 5 calves with only one being a bull/steer calf. Tried using her as a recip but the embryo didn't take. I don't think it was her fault because none of the embryos we had put in from the flush took.