Cow not Mounted but has been Riding Everthing Else

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
Got a first calf heifer that is due to cycle this weekend and today from about 9:00 to a peak around 1:00 she has been restless and riding the other cows - but nothing has rode her.  I have watched closely and she also has an Estrotect patch on that has not been rubbed.  No idea why she has not been mounted but she is clearly in heat.

Do I go ahead and assume standing heat and breed her accordingly?


she's coming in heat.. I'd expect her to be ridden all night- and in the morning her patch will be rubbed...  I'd breed her when chores are done in the a.m.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
I've got a similar situation.  I gave 7 heifers 5cc lute on Thursday. I had planned on waiting 9 days to give another shot - trying to get them in sync.  Since Thursday 4 of the 7 have already been bred by the new JR Drover bull.  I thought that's what the second round of lute was for? To bring them in heat?  Ashvalley x JR x Dover!! 


-XBAR- said:
I've got a similar situation.  I gave 7 heifers 5cc lute on Thursday. I had planned on waiting 9 days to give another shot - trying to get them in sync.  Since Thursday 4 of the 7 have already been bred by the new JR Drover bull.   I thought that's what the second round of lute was for? To bring them in heat?   Ashvalley x JR x Dover!! 

the 2nd shot is to make them ALL come in heat-- not just a percentage of them.  If I remember right, the first shot will only make around 75% of them come in heat-- it will effect 50% of them, and 25% will be naturally coming in heat.  The second shot will get the whole group on page- and ready to be bred. 

Lut only works during certain stages of the cycle-- and by using 2 shots-- the entire herd gets on the same stage.

We have used only the 2 shot Lut process for many years- and cannot complain about it.  It doesn't work real well for timed AI- as it's too unpredictable-- as individual cows will vary a couple of days...  but if you are heat checking, or using a bull-- then you're fine. 


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
Decatur Texas
Is she the biggest calf in the pen? If so she could be an alpha where she won't let anyone ride her but she will ride everything else. I've had it happen.