I've been thinking about the MCE numbers and they seem a little confounding because they are based (I think) on the % of calving problems in first calf heifers sired by a bull.
Those heifers could have been bred some unfortunate way that instigated calving problems unrelated to their sire.
Is my reasoning reasonable?
Common sense tells me pelvic dimension comes down thru the cow, so if anything, I would look at the MGS on your Red Angus bull.
I've also been wondering whether breeding for large pelvic is an indirect way of selecting for high BW? Where did a cow (say its a Shorthorn) get that big pelvis and why?
If one breeds those large pelvis cows to low BW bulls ( Lowline or Moderator, for instance), resulting in 1100 lb F1 cows, a sort will be required for pelvic dimension. I guess one must find an equilibrium pelvic measurement.
Even so, can the SONS of the F1 cows be trusted to breed their dam's type? I am dubious, thinking higher bw still lurks in the recombined genes, just as a collateral trait.