Fancy to me is an attempt at creating value from something less. I guess as a buyer I have some expectations of the seller regarding the way I can sort their cattle from the info provided. As a buyer I want to know what is offered. I hate it when a catalog does not list what is offered in a nice clean summary on the same page as the livestock publication reps. Honestly, I don't care who takes my bid. I want to know the breeds, bulls, breds, genetics, etc. Next, I want to easily find what I am looking for. So many catalogs mix crossbreds with registered. Maybe the Auctioneers could get together a decide on a standard print and electronic format. Yes, I know, vanilla, but I buy cattle, not value or hype or marketing. I'd like to see pictures of what is offered, not the dam or the half sister. I understand that this is important, but moms and sisters all turn out different. I want to know as much actual production info on the lot as possible, actual weights mostly even if an ET calf. I could go on, but I think everyone can understand what I would like to see. Needless to say, I probably will not sell a super high dollar calf.