ET heifers

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
Hillsboro, TX
Has any one implanted heifers with embryos? Embryos would be calving ease, and heifers are known for low BW. Just wondering how it would turn out.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2009
we had about 20 purbred Simm to 1/2angus-1/2 simm heifers that we tried this with. Dad got tired of the embryos sitting in the tank and against better judgement tried this. i believe we got 6-7 to stick :( they weren't the most expensive and extravagent embryos in the tank but i don't think we will ever do that again. these heifers were about 14-15 months old  and in good Body condition when implanted and we used CIDRs to synch them. I have heard of some decent results from people that used fall born heifers but putting in embryos in the spring when they are about 18-19 months old.  :-\  my best advice is to find running age cows 3-6 years old and use them. plus when they calve tehy seem to know how to take care of the calf and you don't deal with the stupid heifer mentallity after they calve.  JMO

it would be intersting to hear if anyone did have any good results putting embryos in heifers.......




Well-known member
May 24, 2007
I don't think I'd try it unless you are prepared to loose all your embryos.    There are too many variables with first calf heifers..  mothering ability, milk, calving difficulties. 


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
BCCC -- I would - after many years of doing this -- NOT use your virgin hfrs as a primary source of recips. Although I have had many hfrs presented over the years for eggs, they are harder to get thru when you actually do the transfer, and therefore seem to have a lower conception rate due to trauma of the actual transfer.

Having said that, they are harder to get to set up a good heat on, meaning they usually do not have as good of a tract and ovarian development as older cows. The calving issues are sometihng I cring about as well, seeing the hfr does NOT have anything to do with the resulting birth genetics, you could be in for a world of hurt when it comes down to calving a clubby calf from a virgin hfr.

As we speak, your donor is due in heat in the morning, she is already smelling around. If you happen to have a cow or two in heat tonight thru tomorrow -- it might be good to arrange pick up and transfer next Saturday!!! Hope she does her job for you -- pretty neat little cow!

Talk to ya soon --
