Hello, i had a question about holding a steer. I have a 1300lb market steer thats medium framed with condition. It is about 120 days out from fair. He is going into the cold box in two weeks. How do you guys feed steers that need to be held and cant gain more than 1lb a day. I know he is heavy for this time, I honestly don't know how his weight slipped by me. I'm worried about him growing in height and also loosing cover in the cold box becuze hes on a holdingk(beet pulp) ration of only 2 lbs a day(thats what i was told). He still needs more fat yet he cant gain a whole lot of weight. I want to keep him fresh as well...so how do I do that if hes only eating a few lbs of feed?? please help and give opinions. let me know if you need any more info to know more about the situation. This is really stressing me!