Fluid on steer's knee

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
7357 N. Base Rd. Seymour, IN
Have a steer we will be showing later in the summer that has developed fluid on a knee.  He does not limp and acts as though it does not bother him.  Trimmed his hooves over the weekend and decided to dtrain it while he was on the table.  Stuck a needle in it and a water looking liquid came out very easily.  It was fine for a few days and then came back on Tuesday.  Any idea how to keep him from getting it and should I continue to drain or just wait until just before a show?  He is a very nice Angus steer.  He is weighing around 1100 if that matters.  Just looking for anyone who has experience with this. Thanks.....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Had a steer like this two years ago...tried everything and nothing worked so we ended up having to drain it before every show.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
The fluid will cause him to walk stiff.  I would suggest excercise.  My son's steer had issues with his front legs last year, developed fluid on both knees, and walked really stiff-- actually kind of swung his legs out to the side to walk because he could not or would not bend his knees.  About 4-5 wks. before the show, after trying different things, we started walking him a lot.  We would use our ATV, and walk him for 30 minutes every night.  The ATV worked good, becasue even tho he lead good, it would keep him going at a steady pace.  Try walking him in sand if available, or we had a field with really tall grass that had been shredded and left on the field, we walked him in this as he had to pick up those front legs and bend his knees to walk.  It definitely helped with the fluid and took the stiffness out. 


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
We had a heifer that had fluid on her front left knee. We had the vet drain it a week before the shows. When we turned her out on pasture it all filled in again but she walked fine on that leg.