Good female. Have you considered throwing more Angus into the mix? 1831 (Lutton) might be kinda neat on her where she has some Saugahatchee blood in her. Raven may be neat as well, he might fix her hip (shes a little short hipped & off for my taste... but I'm rather picky..). If you're thinkin' simmi, still like Grandmaster.. think he could work in a wide variety of scenarios, yours included. You may also want to look into Premium Blend, think he may offer some style, hip & bone to her... be some sweet females I'd think. And if you just wanna go clubby, I'd vote Bojo or Smilin' Bob (although he IS unproven :/).. Maybe My Turn?.. And although he didnt take the prettiest picture in the world, I've seen some flat good Hot Commodities out there... JMHO.