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IA Guy

Mar 8, 2010
Im going to be heading back to the farm this spring to join our family farm. We raise corn and beans as well as 125 spring calving cows. Would like to optimize the livestock equipment that we currently have so my question is where is the most money to be made in the cattle industry right now. Im considering buying old cows this winter and calving them out or maybe buying some younger cows to keep around as I have some available pasture. Also during the summer months we have open feedlots because we sell the calves off in the spring so we can calve all the cows out. Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
IA Guy said:
Im going to be heading back to the farm this spring to join our family farm. We raise corn and beans as well as 125 spring calving cows. Would like to optimize the livestock equipment that we currently have so my question is where is the most money to be made in the cattle industry right now. Im considering buying old cows this winter and calving them out or maybe buying some younger cows to keep around as I have some available pasture. Also during the summer months we have open feedlots because we sell the calves off in the spring so we can calve all the cows out. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Get in touch with some feeder cattle brokers in South Texas. Perfect time of year to feed out some Mexican feeder steers. Those Braunvieh and Braunvieh-Fleckvieh-Charolais crosses with only a smidgeon of ear (there ain't NEAR as much Brahman, Corriente, or Longhorns down there, as what people might think) will TURN A CRANK on ADG and Feed Conversion ( due to both genetics and compensatory gain). The high percnetage Braunvieh's will grade right on up there with good Angus. Believe it, or not.Not to mention, they won't fall over dead like a black one will, during a hot summer.  This would open to the door to a relationship with Mexican Cattlemen, ie, the oppotunity to send those guys Angus, or Red Angus bulls, and buy back the calves.
That's what GaryBob would do. ;)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
If you are 21 you qualify for FSA or Farm Credit loan programs....beat the bushes for lease pasture and corn stocks, calve out some short term (oldies) cows.  With the ready availablity of feed you have in Iowa....sounds hopeful!


Well-known member
May 26, 2009
Miller, SD
I would look into feeding dairy hfrs if you have the feed and lots. Or if you can sit in the sale barn and buy some smaller bunches then get them sorted up at home and make loads and "upgrade" them you can normally turn a profit.
As a young producer myself I feel that we have to have diversity and realize that ma and pa still have to make a living and try not to take away from them just because we want to be home. JMO


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
Look into heartbrand beef with the use of Okioshi cattle. They grade really well, if u lease a bul, or buy or leasecattle from them they guarantee something like 800 dollars per weaned calf. Not sure on the prices, u should do some research on it.

WBar Farms

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2008
I've been wondering the same thing but I would be starting from scatch since the family farm was sold.