You seem to be proof that it does not take much thought to run a computer, because your post sure shows it. The idea that just because we gave 250,000 to a country per person they should be an economic miracle is absurd to say the least. I haven't looked, just hold on I am going to to show you how easy it is to use the internet to fact check. If you use the CIA world factbook you see the average life expectancy is just over 60 years, in 1990 it was below 56 I believe. By this measure our money is working, you see it is not just GDP that is considered when the IMF, or World Bank make loans, but infant mortality, life expectancy and quality of life just to name a few things. By any measure if these do not fall off the cliff with Haiti it can be viewed as a success because of the natural disaster problems they have. If you really believe that Germany and Japan grew because they were leveled (which I don't think you do, well hope you don't) you need to study the history of foreign aid. These countries and all of western Europe grew because they had strong functional governments and very strong institutions that could handle turmoil and not collapse. This is why our foreign aid worked in this case and in few others as well. Yes that is right having a strong evil government is good for economic growth. If we want to help Haiti we need to work on making a working government, with limited corruption (can't ever get rid of it all) and then start on luring businesses there. You do realize it is hard to attract a business to a country that has a weak and uncertain history, because the businesses hate uncertainty above all!! Just a thought on attacking this problem like an adult, try it next time.