help with bull selection

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2013
We are a small operation and only breed twenty or less head a year.  So its hard for us to use a lot of bulls to see how they work on different cows.  I have a couple cows that make thick great profiling calves.  Only problem is that  (just like their mommas) the calves are narrow tracking on rear legs.  Looking for a couple bulls to help widen rear tracking.  A lot of these clubby bulls dont pass that trait on now a days.  Hope other people have found some bulls to work on this situation.  Looking for some terminal type bulls for steers and maternal type bulls that can accomplish this.  Don't mind old school bulls either.
Thanks for any advice


I guess my advice would be to figure out exactly what you are aiming for in the future. Selecting for soundness is one thing but for phenotype and a particular look is another. When you mention tracking wide in the rear I think of high growth, big birthweight, hard calving, low fertility, and all kinds of different things that come with selecting bulls for traits like that. If you are in the business of selling show cattle then maybe a judge will look at animals with the wide tracking hips and legs in the rear and say that it makes for a better steer but I'd be surprised if they said it makes a better cow. My cows that have done that haven't lasted very long. Not sure that this is what you were looking but it's what I thought of when I read it.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
chest width and spring of rib are both desiable traits and I suspect that is what you mean when you talk about width.As long as the cattle aren't sickle hocked you should be good on rear width...

Look at Yelo repo on genetics horizons and study his background a little ... about absolutely different from the clubby stuff mentioned above

Kris Black lives sound cattle



Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
and good yello repo steers or heifers will both be sellers ... if you get good heifers and don't want them please let me know