thanks for posting my Tony award performance! the genetics of the cattle pictured are an emybro project that i put together for Lowther .. all one great flush by K-Kim Freedom x BR Joy cow , double cross of CCS STerling x Strathore Irish Magic. These woudl clean up all the prizes in the major shows in England ,Wales and SCtoldan 2009, yearling debut. 2010 the big red bull would win 2 out 3 major championship and sell for 12,000pounds sterling. Just a small portion of the sucess my norhtamerican embyros have done in the EU. The calves from the Diamon Saphire x Winalot Rodney , are very thick and stout.. show tons of promise.
the pair are full sibs k-kim freedom x joy both junior champions at teh Highland, englsih royal m royal welsh, great yorkshireshow.Big performance cattle with hgh carcass traits and muscle.. the bull posted 16.88 ribeye at 12months weight 1390lbs. birth weight 88 lbs.