mark tenenbaum
Well-known member
Probably was a little over the top on my thread-but in reality I was sticking up for the guy repping the one hiefer pictured-cuz hes as straight as they come-maybe its the other sale that was the real subject O0
cowz said:Mark, please do not be upset or discouraged. MY MAILBOX WAS FLOODED WITH REQUESTS TO PULL THESE THREADS! And it was appropriate to do so. We do a lot of cussin' and discussin' on the planet, but we do not call out people by name. That is what a personal pm is for.
I despise unethical cattle people more than anyone. My personal fantasy is a blacklist website. But this is not it. And modern day reality is that that can never happen because of liable and liability issues.
My unsolicited advise is: 1. Get a good old boy attorney that enjoys a good fight. Or. .......2. Confront these people IN PERSON.....get it over with. The longer you wait the worse it is. I have been screwed over by partnerships and "deals" enough that there are very few people I trust in the cattle business. Find the honest folks and stick with them. Sermon of the day over. I wish you a warm and peaceful Thanks giving.Thanx-no big deal-Im not in shape to hire an attorny-but Im probably not the only one who got a dirty deal-lets not forget the good people who farm-they are the majority