my great luck

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
So I had a cow come in heat and I had to breed her as the hubby was not around. So my daughter and I are pushing her into the chute I grab a gate and try to latch it and two wasps come out and one stings my hand in a flash. I am midly allergic to most bug bits(no hospital but a lot of swelling and pain) so now the race is on. I put a halter on her and forgo the chute and just tie her behind a gate. Get the semen and now already I have a spot about 2 inches round right on my first two knuckles, and it feels like a hammer has been hitting it. So I get in there and did get her bred but what a event. Later I cannot even make a fist and the swelling is all the way to my elbow. I cannot see any bone in my hand, and boy does it itch.  I hate stinging bugs. Frostie


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
I feel your pain with allergies. I am basically algeric to mother nature, at least I'm not alergic to cows:)

apple pifarm

Well-known member
Feb 6, 2009
Weatherford, OK.
Spray WD 40 on the sting as soon as possible after the initial sting/bite.  Will work on most insect issues.  Another old home remedy is to take an egg white and add ALOT of salt put it on the sting and let the salt and egg draw out the poison.  Good luck but you also might want to go to the hospital and get and epi (sp?) pen just in case too....



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Hey Frosty == I sure am sorry about you dilemma -- stings like that can be dangerous if you are alergic.

Epinephrine kits are available -- may or may not be prescription, but can save a life. As soon as you get bite/stung -- give your self the tiny little shot or in some cases take the pill, and you are at least out of danger for a major shock event!

One time while I was transferring embryos at a very distant location in Wyoming, the owners daughter got stung and swelled up like no tomorrow. I always carry a bottle of Epi with me for the cattle, so even though it was not supposed to happen, she was trully saved by a  quick 1cc shot (She didn't like the 20 ga. needle I had, it was the smallest I carry -- but afterwards, I got a big hug!!!)

You be carefull over there --

PS -- you did OK on your cow, meybe could have breed her an hours or so sooner for a higher chance of a hfr, but she will at least settle!



Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
That sucks Frostie!!!  :mad:  Everyone has a day like that, but most arent breeding cattle at the same time. Hope she sticks and your hand gets better. My cousin is highly allergic to bee stings. If he's stung and doesnt get a shot quick, he swells like a balloon and then he's in the hospital. Hope your hand gets better and your cow took!!!



Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
SW Oklahoma
Snuff works extremely well on wasp and bee stings, to take the "sting" out of the bite.  Colloidal silver solutions work very effectively on the bites as well, and take the sting and itch out of it.  Don't ask me how.... just works.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2007
Northern Missouri
You've had about the same luck as me! Just last week a new bumper was put on my car, on account of hitting a raccoon. Thenn since it was raining nicely this morning I backed my car out of the garage to get washed off and my dad went to back his piece of junk tracker out and smacked my car on the driver back side. So now there is a nice little dent and a cracked back bumper! What a day!  (argue)


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Just a word of caution for you, Frosty:  Don't take these increasingly intense reactions lightly.  I have been stung about a zillion times.  In the summer, it's not 'if' but 'when' I"ll get stung on the farm.  I and my family have various seasonal allergies and some asthma but no one has ever had a life threatening reaction to bites where the person is envenomated - like wasps, yellow jackets, various bees, and fire ants.  That was until last summer when I got stung (as usual) by a yellow jacket.  I was on the tractor and although annoyed and in the usual pain from the sting, I casually put the tractor away and made my way to the house.  Strangely, my head started to itch like crazy (scalp) and I could feel the hives starting.  Then, I seemed to itch from the inside out.  I realized this was no ordinary reaction.  I headed to the house, gulped down 50 mg of Benadryl and thought I could get to the closest Redi-care.  Hah, I got about a half mile down the road (very BAD decision to try to drive) when my tongue started to swell, I had sweat rolling off me, and I got faint - REAL faint.  I pulled over, called 911, and spent the rest of the day in the trauma unit of the hospital being treated for anaphylactic shock. Yikes, not a fun time!

Bottom line, they told me, is that if you're an "allergic person" and the stings seem to get worse over time, you 'will' progress to this sort of life threatening reaction every time.  No more free ride for me.  I'll react like that all the time now and am 'officially' seriously allergic to stings.  I now carry an Epi-Pen everywhere I go and have one in the truck, one in the house, and one on my person. And even after one injects with the epinephrine, you still only have about an hour to get to a hospital. I've never gone a summer without being stung so I'm overly cautious now but am afraid I may do a replay of last summer!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
If you have that serious of an allergic reaction I'd be very careful and get to a doctor fast.  We just lost a good friend last Friday to an allergic reaction to a wasp sting.  Some people get more and more serious symptoms each time they are stung so just be very careful.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Well the swelling finally is all gone tonight. It still itches like crazy though. Thanks for the thoughts and I think that the next time I go to the doctors I will talk to him about it. The more I think about it the worse it does seem to get with each bite. A red ant bite will feel like a sledge hammer has hit my leg from the knee down if I get bit on the ankle which is the norm for me. Have not got one of them this year though. I saw another place the wasps were in this morning and plugged the hole. We have open pipe fences all around the barn so lots of places for nests. I will be picking up some killer next time I am at Wally world too. My mother is deadly allergic to wasp and bee stings too. I can see a hospital from my yard so not too worried about getting help if needed. The kids have been versed as what to do if I need help in a lot of situations but will talk to a doc as soon as I get there. Thanks again for the warnings. Frostie


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Your lucky you only got stung once, I got into a hornet nest a couple years back, started  sweating and not feeling to good, took some Benadryl, felt fine. I had never had any insect bite bother me before. My wife is bothered by insects, so, couple times a year I premise spray all the buildings and corrals, gates,ect. were we work. I used to have wasps and hornets all over and you are lucky to find any. I also keep wasp and hornet spray around just in case.
  Just a couple ideas I have tried, thought I wanted to keep the Mrs. around another year or two! (lol)