Neighbor gave her milk cow a subcutaneous shot intramuscularly. Help!!

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Jun 7, 2016
Hi, never experienced this so I wasn't sure how to help my neighbor. She has a milk cow as a pet and bought a vaccine from tractor supply today and gave it in the rump muscle when it was a subq shot. She was telling me and I said I think that's one that needs to be under the skin and she brought the bottle out to show me and sure enough it was. I told her I wasn't a vet but I would find out something for her. So my question is what is gonna happen to her cow and what does she need to watch for?? And she just wants to know is it gonna kill her.....they lady is in her 70s so I want to give her peace of mind D for the night if anyone can help would be great.


The cow will be fine and it will not make a difference. Don't worry about it at all. If the cow reacted adversely to the shot then that is different. If she goes to the ground within a half hour and is having trouble breathing etc.  This can happen anytime a vaccine is given and an epenephrine shot may need to be given immediately.She would be dead by now if this happened though. Go tell her everything will be just fine and the vaccine will work just fine.