Hofstatter Farms said:
minicows said:
;D this is my first year of showing. I am helping a friend and it is her first year. I am 26 and she is a lot older then that. We will be showing her mini cows at the fair in two weeks. She has 2 mini belted galloways and a mini panda/ american beltie mix and the mom of the panda mix is a pure mini american beltie. She has a friend that will help us learn the ropes.
Any advice for a first timer in the show ring. What should i watch out for and what is the best thing to wear. They are in the beef group.
Just to save you some embarrassment hire someone to clip them out at least if not fit them for you at the show and get someone to trim their hooves. I always feel sorry for the first timers that come to the fair with shaggy unclipped calves with skies for feet, because behind their backs everyone is laughing at them. Wear something that you are comfortable in but looks dressy at the same time, like a button up shirt and geans. always remember that when you set the calf up for the judge to get a profile view to have the hind leg closest to you 6inches or there abouts in front of the other. Keep its head up at all times and be calm. the calmer you are the calmer the calf is. Be confident and you'll do just fine. (thumbsup)
A lot of good advice above... I agree... hire somebody who knows what they are doing to help you as much as possible beforehand, especially clipping the cattle... otherwise, I would probably consider waiting until you could find somebody. With "mini cattle" you are just asking for a whole barn full of critics & if the cattle aren't extremely good, fed up properly, clipped up nicely & well prepared, you will be the joke of all those in the barn when they go to the local coffee shops for months to come. I raise Lowline Angus (not mini's, although they are small cattle) & I am telling you that if you and/or the cattle are not well prepared, I'd seriously consider just waiting until next year. Nothing wrong with going to watch the show this year & try to ask questions & learn as much as you can. First impressions mean a lot & it's hard to ever overcome a bad first impression. I don't want to discourage you, I just want you to have a great first experience & so that you can be a great ambassador for your mini cattle. You can learn a lot from good, experienced help & from watching people prepare their cattle before a show. I've been around cattle shows for years & I still learn new tricks & easier ways of doing things. Best wishes!!