Not cattle related questions on hens

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2008
Can you show hens maybe under breeding orsomething I have 2 rhode island reds beautiful hens havent started to lay but hopefully will soon all comments are appreciated thanks


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
We show chickens. They are shown by age and breed. There are also classes for egg production, but these are usually for a cross type that produces so much per year. They need a pullorum typhoid test and Avian Influenza testing done every 90 days.The state vet comes out to do these and costs us about 17.00 to do our entire flock. We also had the salmonella testing done because I also sell eggs. I also assume there are different rules and regs per state. That is the rule here in Maryland. My sons and I have been showing for about 10 years now and my eldest won champion bantam with his silkie hen she was also Best in Breed. Hope this helps some. Check the fair books they also have info on the classes and health requirements.