Obama's new auto plan. (non cattle)

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the key thing here is

We cannot, we must not, and we will not let our auto industry simply vanish. But we also cannot continue to excuse poor decisions. And we cannot make the survival of our auto industry dependent on an unending flow of tax dollars.

nor can it be the unending flow of regulation.  of course that comment will be seen as a need to run for senate.

But after careful analysis, we have determined that neither goes far enough to warrant the substantial new investments that these companies are requesting.


What we are asking is difficult. It will require hard choices by companies.  by president obama.

It will require unions and workers who have already made painful concessions to make even more. and the government as well, but they won't.

And above all, have they created a credible model for how to not only survive, but succeed in this competitive global market? where there is less regulation.

the international car company Fiat, where the current management team has executed an impressive turnaround. Fiat is prepared to transfer its cutting-edge technology to Chrysler and, after working closely with my team, has committed to building new fuel-efficient cars and engines here in America. fiat doesn't have any cutting edge technology.  they have lighter cars with less cylinders.

I am committed to doing all I can to see if a deal can be struck in a way that upholds the interests of American taxpayers. creating more democratic voters.

That may mean using our bankruptcy code as a mechanism to help them restructure quickly and emerge stronger. should have happened in the first place to get out from under the union agreements.

even as workers are staying on the job building cars that are being sold.  there is already too much capacity.  the companies need to quit paying people not to work and then have the government back that cost up.

It is my hope that the steps I am announcing today will go a long way towards answering many of the questions people may have about the future of GM and Chrysler. hope.

if you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct the cost of any sales and excise taxes.  may be able to?

I am designating a new Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers to cut through red tape and ensure that the full resources of our federal government are leveraged to assist the workers, communities, and regions that rely on our auto industry.  great, another government bureaucracy .

Edward Montgomery, a former Deputy Labour Secretary, has agreed to serve in this role. Together with Labour Secretary Solis and my Auto Task Force, Ed will help provide support to auto workers and their families, and open up opportunity in manufacturing communities. Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and every other state that relies on the auto industry will have a strong advocate in Ed.

great, i bet ed's phone will be busy.  the best thing obama could do is get rid of a lot of regulations starting with bumper regulations, front end license plates or making ones that aren't as tall, getting rid of fleet regulations and a whole host of others.  but the government is not interested in that because all that creates jobs that generates democratic voters and discourages small business, something the government hates with a passion because it decentralizes control, something the founders tried to preserve with the constitution.  but alas, i must run for senate because disagreeing is bad unless you are from the left.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
First of all Knabe running for the Senate would be a waste of your talent. Run for President!

Secondly, and I've said this before, why is it we can tell a company, just because its taken taxpayers money, what it must build or pay executives, but we can't tell a welfare recipient that we won't pay for eight kids?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Just heard on FOX News that GM makes 20 vehicles that turn a profit. 11 are SUV's & trucks that the Gov't wants to make them stop making because they're not eco friendly. Sounds like they really know how turn a business around to me. ???


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Larkspur, CO
I thought it was really big of the union workers to settle their contract at what, 55.00 dollars an hour to work the assembly line!!!!!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Ok, I may be missing something, but is this not an example of the pot calling the kettle black?  We have a government ( not picking on a party, they are both responsible) that is trillions of dollars in debt, that can't balance a budget and the big answer to the economy is print more money so they can make loans to a company that is billions of dollars in debt.  How on earth can anyone think that the government can run any business, banks, auto, healthcare or any other when they can't manage the business they are paid to manage.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Jill said:
Ok, I may be missing something, but is this not an example of the pot calling the kettle black?  We have a government ( not picking on a party, they are both responsible) that is trillions of dollars in debt, that can't balance a budget and the big answer to the economy is print more money so they can make loans to a company that is billions of dollars in debt.  How on earth can anyone think that the government can run any business, banks, auto, healthcare or any other when they can't manage the business they are paid to manage.

plan accordingly.  inflation is coming.  hope won't change that.  soros is making billions on shorting the us economy.

as for congress, they are managing their business perfectly since they know, no one will vote them out of office (95% retention rate).  they have the money in the form of tax dollars and the printing press and acorn.  when we stop printing their votes is the sign they have that they are managing our affairs incorrectly.  that's when they say they need to change the public in the form of amnesty, martial law and other remedies to inform the public that they know what they are doing.  in their mind, your money is some sort of power vehicle that has no basis in supply and demand.  remember, the number one criteria we must understand is we must not criticize the chosen one.  he is too beautiful and he is not a heterosexual older white male.  these qualifications alone are all that's required for hope.  nothing more.

by the way, i am going to run for state assembly as my assembly person ran unopposed last time.  how about running for the AMAA board?


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
knabe said:
by the way, i am going to run for state assembly as my assembly person ran unopposed last time. 

(thumbsup) (thumbsup) <party> <party> <party> (thumbsup) (thumbsup) (thumbsup) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping)


MYT Farms

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
Peyton CO
P-F said:
knabe said:
by the way, i am going to run for state assembly as my assembly person ran unopposed last time. 

(thumbsup) (thumbsup) <party> <party> <party> (thumbsup) (thumbsup) (thumbsup) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping)

Wish I could vote for you! Wait, bring under age and out-of-state are no obstacle for ACORN! In which case, count on my vote!  ;) On the other hand, you'd be a little too honest to get votes thatta way.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
How about the fact that Obama just left for the G20 summit in europe.  Both the French and German Presidents (BOTH SOCIALists) are begging the US to not go into too much debt.  Hmmmm, maybe they have learned something that Obama is too proud to accept?

Another thing.....GM was given 90 days to provide congress with a reorganization plan.  Never got done.  Obama want to still give more money.  Could it be that Obama only wants to save the United Auto workers UNION? 

Hmmm.....Audi and VW have non union plants here in the US that are making money....


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
cowz said:
Hmmm.....Audi and VW have non union plants here in the US that are making money....

Yea ,VW is fixing to start a big plant here in TN , near Chattanooga. It's going to be a major deal.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cowz said:
How about the fact that Obama just left for the G20 summit in europe.  Both the French and German Presidents (BOTH SOCIALists) are begging the US to not go into too much debt.  Hmmmm, maybe they have learned something that Obama is too proud to accept?

Another thing.....GM was given 90 days to provide congress with a reorganization plan.  Never got done.  Obama want to still give more money.  Could it be that Obama only wants to save the United Auto workers UNION?   

Hmmm.....Audi and VW have non union plants here in the US that are making money....

remember cowz, if you criticize obama, you have to run for an elected office.  which one are you running for?

The 2007 collective-bargaining agreement, for example, required the automaker to pay up to $140,000 in severance to a worker whose position was eliminated.

All told, organized labor contributed over $74 million in the 2008 campaign cycle, 92 percent of that went to Democrats.

on the other hand, some current employee union members are supposedly making $15.00/hour.  it's hard to get down to the facts of who's getting what.

on the other hand, During the last election business gave $1,952,949,841 (from Center for Responsive Politics), over 25 times the money as labor. Also, I find it interesting that Mr. Hassett thinks it is wrong for a worker to get $140,000 in severance. What does he think about Wagner getting $20,000,000?

basically, to me, the business model of compensation and product lineup of the US manufacturers is out of whack and that responsibility lies with management.  

i think the stock market may be due for some change as a financing vehicle for exhorbidant compensation packages which have no rationalization to the reality in the marketplace.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
i say instead of bailing out the auto companys and giving them OUR money to waste even more...give every working, income tax paying person a vehicle voucher and let us go buy a car or truck with that money...sales go up and no need for a bail out anymore...

of course i thought the same thing about the whole mortage mess too...give us that money to pay off our mortages instead of to the banks and banking problem solved...(well at least the mortage part solved)


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
This is the PLAN I would like to see

"if you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct the cost of any sales and excise taxes. " may be able to? NOT

if you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct the cost of of the car truck or van on your taxes and if there is a surplus thne you will get it back in a REFUND Check only if the car truck or van is paid in full.  If the car or truck is NOT paid in full then you will only get the amount you have paid in payments for a deduction on your taxes

This Idea help all Not just the ones in Business.  Like a bank if they short sell a home for less then they have in to it they get to right it off on there taxes as a loss.

We as american works NEVER GET THIS.... There is a equalizing