Ok' So I asked for it!

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2009
Had my first (and last) TH calf this weekend. The cow is an 11 year old Heat Seeker that has had some nice calves over the years and I bred her to Monopoly 2. Yes, I knew the cow was potentially a carrier and I was aware of the risk. However, I was blinded by the potential rewards. I have worked over the years to develop a clean cow herd. Now I have 1 known carrier and 1 potential carrier. Never again will I breed these two cows to a carrier bull. If you have never experienced this it is not a pretty sight and now I have determined that the potential rewards are not worth the known risk! Just my thoughts.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Buck said:
Had my first (and last) TH calf this weekend. The cow is an 11 year old Heat Seeker that has had some nice calves over the years and I bred her to Monopoly 2. Yes, I knew the cow was potentially a carrier and I was aware of the risk. However, I was blinded by the potential rewards. I have worked over the years to develop a clean cow herd. Now I have 1 known carrier and 1 potential carrier. Never again will I breed these two cows to a carrier bull. If you have never experienced this it is not a pretty sight and now I have determined that the potential rewards are not worth the known risk! Just my thoughts.

Glad you finally understand what some of us have been saying for about the past decade - hopefully at least one person will make a better decision based on your experience - thanks for posting ;)