Online Sales

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I have never really watched the on lines sales that close until yesterday, The ranch we purchased our calves from had one and I had a friend bidding on a few calves as well so I watched it progress. It was interesting to say the least, started at 7am and went to 7pm, it was a horse race style. It could have started at 6:30pm for the amount of activity throughout the day, but it took off the last half hour and then ran past midnight. Calves sitting at 5,000 at 7pm ended up at 15,000 or more some calves sat there at a few grand then took off at around 9pm.

It turned out well for the ranch, they averaged over 6 grand on 41 head, but I think as a buyer it could really wear you out by the end. Glad we never had to go that rout, private treaty, pasture or live auction was how we had to buy over the years and the cattle never averaged the kind of money the did yesterday. The sale was deep in quality and I'm guessing some of the calves will be headed east based on some of the people who attended the customer appreciation dinner.

I forgot to add they have heifers selling on Angus Live today, and then cross bred, non Angus heifers on CW tomorrow, so in a period of 5 days total they will know how their year went.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
I have gotten to where I hate online sales just because they drag out forever and then most of the time get our doors blown off anyway.  Much prefer a live auction within a couple of hours drive time since I like to see them live anyway.