Please Remember the people of West Va. in your prayers-DEVISTATION

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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
These floods have been calculated as 1000 year occurrences. It hits home to me because Gargan and 1 of our Shorthorn females are only 4 miles from White Sulpher Springs-which was hit very hard. The videos of those flood waters are pretty horrific. O0


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Thanks for the shout out Mark. We were fortunate enough to be unaffected by the floods, other than power outage for a couple days. The town's in the valleys around us, weren't so fortunate. I wanted to start a list of people and businesses that have been very generous to relief efforts , in hopes that a few more folks will patronize their products / services in the future. Here are a few that come to mind. Duracell batteries, yeti coolers, frontier communication, Brad Paisley, Chick-fil-a. There has been tons of volunteers showing up to help clean up also that is just as important as monetary contributions. I will add to the list as I hear more. I'm going to deliver donated pet food today to some areas , so I'll let you know the brand's involved.  <rock>