showing your own cattle?

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
I'am sitting here after 18 years of trying to prove ourselfs at shows with our own cattle, debating on to get out of the cattle business.  We can't get around the polictical crap at our fair. It is always signed selled and delivered.  Certain people can show crap year after year and win.  We don't rub noses with any judge or buy from them,  we raise our own animals.  Always in the number two spot .  People comes up to us after the show and tells us we got the shaft, we'll do you think!  Don't  think that 4-h was meant to be this way, but it sure has taken a wrong turn.  Are there any fare judges out there that judges the animal and not who is behind the halter?  I've got a good idea, right before the kids go into the ring, make them change animals see what happens then.....


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
That's a terrible idea. I would never make my sister or brothers trade calves like that. They've put in more time in a week on their calves than a lot of kids do in a year. 

I'm very sorry that it's that way where you live, what state are you from?  It might seem political around here at times, but usually the best calves do win no matter how much people like to bellyache about it.  I will admit that there are plenty of crooked judges, but I'd say there are just as many fair ones.

TMJ Show Cattle

Well-known member
May 11, 2008
Here we go again!! I'll make this short and sweet. It happens to EVERYONE at some time or another. You look and sound foolish, getting on a public forum and complaining. I would think after 18 years you would know this happens every where at times. Always the polotics or the judges fault. If my kids complained like that,it would call for a trip to the woodshed,and not to gather wood. Shame on you. You are fixin to have serious health problems if you don't get yourself under control. Why don't you forget about showing and take up knitting or just go fishin?

the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
irh,its a frustration felt by all at one time another.its about the kids and the experience they gain.TMJ has probably dealt with it too.I think he went overboard on his post.I know winning is important,but kids learning is the most important.remember it is one persons opinion and keep on showing.i have been told a bunch she will make a good cow.exactly!!! she just wont win a beautycontest.dont quit!!!!! rusty


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
Just thought I would leave you people know I'am not some stupid kid, I'am 55 years old and work the cooler room myself, because everyone else has to work away from the farm to make a living.  I stay home and watch the heat cycles and keep the calfs alive, when their mothers won't except them.  Yes, I've seen and heard you people think we complain because we don't win.  So, when you come back with your replies I guess I classify you with the people that walks behind the barn after a show and puts his or her arm around the judge.  When you've got certain jocks say this is their fair and tell other jocks to stay away, that tells the story to us.  This is not teaching our kids what is right from wrong and that is why this country is in the shape i'ts in. Like my comments or not it is still a free country, for how long though I don't know.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
I don't enjoy being called a cheater. When we win, it's because we put the time in and had the best calf that day.  Just because we know some people that judge cattle shows doesn't make us cheaters. 

What if you DID win, then would you classify yourself the same as all the other winners?

the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
irh,my thought was kids learn how to feed ,prepare and show.i thought you were talking about your kids.i think people who raise and show cattle for the most part work hard at it.i am not a jock,i raise cattle because it is my passion,win or lose!and the reason this country is a mess its not because you got the shaft at a show,its because1) we got politicians that dont have common sense2.) because some people dont want to work hard for what they have3.)people that complain about the people that work hard and are successful.ididnt complain abut your comments and your exactly right.thank god its a free country and right now you can speak your mind, rusty


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
In all honesty, If you are in the cattle business just to win at your fair you are in it for the wrong reasons and just setting yourself up for repeated failure.  Everyone loses more than they win.  There's not a show in the world important enough to make me or anyone else I know that really care about cattle want to quit.

If you are "working the cool room" just remember that plenty of people are griping behind your back about you having that much money and time to spend on somethign a kid should be doing.  They don't even have a chance at second place!

County shows are often just as tough to win because 1.  It's a very competetive county with lots of good calves or 2.  There aren't many calves and its hard for a judge to pick the "lesser of evils".  

I've been showing cattle in some fashion or form since 1985 and I still haven't ever seen a judge blatantly use a sorry calf over a good one.  Just because "jocks" talk about what they do or don't have wrapped up doesn't necessarily mean they do.  Maybe they are just razzing you?  If a judge can be bought off for a county fair, he's pretty cheap.

I'm still waiting for the post where someone gripes about a judge because they won one they shouldn't have.

It is extremely ok to be very disappointed.  But don't let it eat you up.  It's not hardly ever because someone cheated or bought the judge.  

And this post was from someone that raises and shows their own.  It's harder doing it this way.  But a lot more rewarding in my opinion for my family.  See, I could go spend a bunch of money on my boys calves.  Good lord, I spend more than enough trying to raise them to let me go buy some pretty stout calves.  I'll use one of my son's calves last year as an example.  He showed a 5th place steer at Fort Worth.  Brought a little over $6K at the sale.  He was ecstatic and so proud of himself.  He saw that calf born, named it before it was two months old, and took him all the way through.  That feeling wouldn't have been the same if daddy had spent $5-$10K for him.  I would have put more pressure on my son, he would have seen I was disappointed we didn't "win", and on and on.

Be glad you are in the position you are and keep on trying if you (and more importantly your kids) really care that much about it.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2007
"Don't  think that 4-h was meant to be this way, but it sure has taken a wrong turn.  Are there any fare judges out there that judges the animal and not who is behind the halter?  I've got a good idea, right before the kids go into the ring, make them change animals see what happens then....."

You don't think 4-H is meant to be this way??!! You are 55 years old doing a kids project.Our kids do their own project and get what they get, and they do very well,thanks. Maybe its Kharma for your kids not doing there own work.And if they ever whined like you did it would be their last show for quite a while.Your priorities are way out of wack, but the whole country seems to be getting this way any more.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
irh said:
Just thought I would leave you people know I'am not some stupid kid, I'am 55 years old and work the cooler room myself, because everyone else has to work away from the farm to make a living.  I stay home and watch the heat cycles and keep the calfs alive, when their mothers won't except them.  Yes, I've seen and heard you people think we complain because we don't win.  So, when you come back with your replies I guess I classify you with the people that walks behind the barn after a show and puts his or her arm around the judge.  When you've got certain jocks say this is their fair and tell other jocks to stay away, that tells the story to us.  This is not teaching our kids what is right from wrong and that is why this country is in the shape i'ts in. Like my comments or not it is still a free country, for how long though I don't know.

My impression from your original post is that you 'are' talking about your or someone's kids with your reference to 4H.  So, my question to you is:  Are you only showing at your local fair in the 4H division or do you also go out to larger, open-type shows?/expos?  If you do go out and the results are still always the same, I might take a look at what I'm hauling to town.  If you only go to the one show each year, I'd suggest you try a different venue.  Get out there among other cattle than just those from your county.  See how yours stack up against people you don't normally encounter.  No doubt, there's politics wherever you go but I have to agree with Justin that there are also just as many good, fair judges that will put up the great animal no matter who's on the lead.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
Yes, we go to other shows usually stand fairly good, we've been told though you have to have winners to sell cattle.  You people don't live in our county so you don 't know the whole story. Believe me we've done 20 years of losing and some winning .  But I see this was a useless situation voicing my opion on here.  When your grandkids are young they can't do all the work themselves and I told you their parents have to work away to make a living, excuss me for helping my grandkids out.  Signing off now thanks for all your comments.  Still got our veiw points though..


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
I'll offer a different opinion.

Showing is not for everybody, nor is it the most important thing in life. I used to think that the only thing worth doing was showing cattle. In my limited experience, politics are most pronounced at purebred deals (majors, st. fairs, jr nationals, etc..). Be thankful your not in the angus world, or the big time steer deal. Do what makes you happy. I don't know anyone who made a dime showing cattle.

irh said:
We don't rub noses with any judge or buy from them,  we raise our own animals. 

sometimes that mentality doesn't help either.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
If you dont like your county show that much and let it get you down, then why do you show? Honestly if I find no enjoyment in showing I wouldnt do it. I've got news for you, politics are part of the world, and if you cant realize this at your age you're going to have a tough rest of your life.

At our fair the same names win every year. You know why? I thought politics was the problem. Nope those people just have the best calves in the county. Ya they win every year, ya its the same name, but you know what those calves dont grow hair by themselves, they dont halter break themselves and they dont feed themselves. Those kids work their butts off to get their calves looking like they do. Do  they pay 10k plus for their steers? You bet!!!! But good for them, you know cattle and you have the checkbook to back it up, congrats. But guess what else I'm going to raise heifers and cows to throw those steers for that consumer and someday sell them their steers and then I can afford for my kids to have the Grand Champion at our fair. Sure there are crooked judges, but like OFS said there are just as many good ones as crooked ones.

And if you switch the halters before you go in the showring what happens when your kid gets run over by the calf that they didnt raise and are not familiar with?  All in all a pretty bad idea.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Some will deny politics play a role in cattle shows. It does.
Some say there are too many 40 year old 4-Hers. There are.
Some say only kids that do all the hard work win. They don't.
Some say losers always whine. Not always.
Some say winners do their own work. They don't.
Some don't like to hear opinions that state the obvious. Denial.

Show cattle because you ENJOY it. Not because of some damn purple banner that everyone holds in such high esteem. It is crap. THAT is the idea that is ruining the junior program.
Teach your grandchildren, children, whatever, the joys of selecting a calf, training it, feeding it, and preparing it for show day. Forget the damn color of the ribbon. Judge your success by the smiles and laughs you get into your memories. If you do that, you will become much more of a winner than most of those carrying that purple banner.


Jun 10, 2009
Lima, Ohio
noone has quite learned yet in this day of age. it all depends who you know and if you arent cheating you aint trying.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
We all get discouraged sometimes.  I've been at this way longer than 18 years, and you don't have to tell me about the frustrations of not quite being able to win it.  We've been fortunate enough to win some, but all in all there's still more not quite's than there are wins for most of us. Our goal is to always try to be competitive, but to have fun and try to teach the kids a few life lessons along the way.  If it's not fun anymore then maybe you need a break, or maybe a new approach - maybe a different breed or something.  I really enjoy showing what we raise too (I think Chambero explained that really well), but sometimes we just have to admit to ourselves that we just don't have the one(s) we need in the pasture.  Buying a calf's not the end of the world.

But one way or another I expect you'll be back next year like the rest of us.  It's a hard habit to break.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
bpratt09 said:
if you arent cheating you aint trying.

Isn't that statement an oxymoron? Cheating is a form of laziness. So one would not really be trying then, if they are cheating.

I agree with Show Heifer. There will always be some one who gets a promotion at work because they know the boss or take credit for your hard work. The sooner a kid learns these hard lessons in life the better chance they have seeing them as minor speed bumps than mountains that stand in their way. Just be thankful that you can be with them to help them when they first encounter this stuff.

IRH - It can be very disappointing when ones hard work goes unrewarded. But at the same time I think it is great that this is a multi-generational family affair. You can hardly find many families trying to accomplish a shared goal like you can in showing and raising cattle. Anyone who would say it is a waste of time is lesser for it. I find it sad when a kid is driven to a show by the fitter their parents hired and the parents are MIA.

It is somewhat easier to do better when you buy a heifer or steer but if you are standing in the top half with your own stock I call that success. Any one can buy a race car, few can build one.
