Well-known member
I think they are genetically engineering smarter mice! I had on in the kitchen but finally caught him in trap. Now I've got them in garage. They take the p-nut butter or cheese off the trap without tripping it. They are so bold that they have left calling cards in the heeler's food bowl.
Now remember, catching mice is beneath KK. Since Poolie dispatched the barn kitten I can't use her as a back up. The heeler kills cats & rats but not mice. I've tried several different spring loaded traps. Not sure I'd like the sticky ones. Don't want to put poisin out because of the dogs. also because they go off & die & you smell them for days.
Anybody built a better mouse trap or have suggestions?
Now remember, catching mice is beneath KK. Since Poolie dispatched the barn kitten I can't use her as a back up. The heeler kills cats & rats but not mice. I've tried several different spring loaded traps. Not sure I'd like the sticky ones. Don't want to put poisin out because of the dogs. also because they go off & die & you smell them for days.
Anybody built a better mouse trap or have suggestions?
