Any one who thinks this pic is not real -- think again.
I was deiving West towards Kiowa, popped over a hill and looked out over the horizon and there is was. Bag as day, a classic wedge shaped tornado -- I couldn't believe I was actually looking right into it from less than 5 miles off.
The ridge of clouds was thick north of it, but got thinner down towards the south end, and just underneath the soputh end of it was the tornado. I could see it highlighted perfectly, pretty but deadly.
I watched it for a good 10 minutes go form big and dark to thin and lighter --then back to dark. At one point it became a rope -- real thin -- that is when it did the most damage from the reports later. It went on off to the north east real slow,
As I got closer to whre I had to turn south, the road was covered in at least 4 inches of dollar sized hail to the point where you could feel the truck wanting to hydroplane!
I think I will stay home from now on -- bad omen!!!
The good news is that all is well at the COWZ ranch -- got some embryos put in some real nice cows and seen some beautiful country down there. I had forgotten how nice it was -- but didn't realize that suburbia had arrived. Too close to Denver -- now there are houses all over and the big ranches are geting smaller.
Thanks Mary Sue and Jason for having me -- wish I had more time to visit. I had a donor to breed after midnight when I rolled in here -- and flush today -- glad to be busy even for the short time we will be !
Take care all -- HEADS UP