What do you know about Carpe Diem

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Are yall talking about the Hereford-looking bull?  I saw him sell.  I think he brought around $12K unless I have my wires crossed. 


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2008
Has anyone seen Carpe Diem on Charolais or Charolais cross females?  What would you expect from a color stand point.  Any information is appreciated.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
Chris was just here , says the Charolais with him will have light cream color , calves toped several sales down south , Copus, Blacks an others . Said everyone is using  him on  there heifer's  ,an has worked very well. Kroupa is also using him on their heifer;s .............


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I have used him extensively and have a nice set of hereford marked females that will calve in the fall sired by him.  Their bull mates sold good and were successful in the show ring.  One was shown 10 times and was never less then reserve breed champion and that is where he landed at the majors.  We have a set of ETs coming again this fall of the same mating and are really excited about them.  He puts a great look in his cattle with extra hair and style.  I will continue to use him.  I just wished I knew they were interested in selling possesion.  The only down fall would be his carrier status.  Good luck!


Active member
May 25, 2009
herf96 said:
I have used him extensively and have a nice set of hereford marked females that will calve in the fall sired by him.  Their bull mates sold good and were successful in the show ring.  One was shown 10 times and was never less then reserve breed champion and that is where he landed at the majors.  We have a set of ETs coming again this fall of the same mating and are really excited about them.  He puts a great look in his cattle with extra hair and style.  I will continue to use him.  I just wished I knew they were interested in selling possesion.  The only down fall would be his carrier status.  Good luck!


Active member
May 25, 2009
herf96 said:
I have used him extensively and have a nice set of hereford marked females that will calve in the fall sired by him.  Their bull mates sold good and were successful in the show ring.  One was shown 10 times and was never less then reserve breed champion and that is where he landed at the majors.  We have a set of ETs coming again this fall of the same mating and are really excited about them.  He puts a great look in his cattle with extra hair and style.  I will continue to use him.  I just wished I knew they were interested in selling possesion.  The only down fall would be his carrier status.  Good luck!

Does he breed true to pattern on straight hereford?


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
We have only mated him to purebreds (unpapered but pure none the less).  He marks them pretty well.  He has a tendancy to throw some pigment so I would stay with some clear eyed cows unless you do not care about pigment.  If you have to meet classification guidelines then he may throw to much pigment with cows that already have some.  Most of ours were clear eyed with a couple having more than necessary.  He really makes great looking cattle.  They are hairy, good bodied and sound.  He would work severly different ways.  I am intersted in getting his daughters in production.  He will throw some rednecks again if you do not mind than that is fine.  He will also put feathers on so just hit and miss, but nothing to crazy.