What happened?

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
Well, that's politics for ya!  If you go to Yahoo you will see the main news about Palin, Obama, and how McCain went wrong.  Biden.....well nobody seems to care about him.  I didn't vote for Obama but now I will give him my support.  If you hope that Obama falls flat on his face we will fall with him!  The race of the candidate never made a difference with me.  I hope that Obama's economic policies are successful and that he doesn't take too much of my money.  What offended me was the Freedom act that the democratic nation seems to think is a good idea.  For those who don't know what this act entails, it involves allowing anybody to get an abortion at any point in their pregnancy.  I personally think that is a crime against humanity.  If I can have anything it would be that this would never be allowed! 


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Show Heifer said:
Politics have turned to racism. nice isn't. :mad:

Gimme a break...  All the politics discussion I've read on here is not racism at alll...  People don't like Obama because of his policies, not because because he's a half blood...  By calling racism you're no better than Jessie Jackson or Rev Wright...get a clue...


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Heard Obama has ordered all us white people to line up at he cottonfields at 6 am this morning for orientation,  now i think that's a funny joke i got,  If i can laugh at that what's wrong with some of the others..  Oh and my son was on a team that played in a semi=final state playoff game last night.  The othe team had one black kid on their team from Chicago, he was their team.  There in a small town because he had been into trouble in Chicago, that's fine.  Back to my point, when he was knocked out of bounds into our bench a big 200 lb. guy on our team picked him up for good sportsmanship, the black kid slapped him on the helmet and said  "thanks n-word".  Double standard, northin but,        oh and by the way my favorite joke since the election is the obama christmas tree ornament on the tree, i'll not tell the rest.


Well-known member
May 16, 2008
Dusty said:
Show Heifer said:
Politics have turned to racism. nice isn't. :mad:

Gimme a break...  All the politics discussion I've read on here is not racism at alll...  People don't like Obama because of his policies, not because because he's a half blood...  By calling racism you're no better than Jessie Jackson or Rev Wright...get a clue...

I didn't vote for him; because i feel that someone with 143 days of experience should not be running this country.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I didn't vote for him because I hate all of his politics.  I believe that all he is is a smooth talker that fooled a lot of people with a good talking voice.  Also if you don't think that race had any effect on the election then check the no of blacks that voted for him.  Over 90%.  now that is what I call voting strictly because he was black.  Which in my opinion is just as bad as not voting for him because his is black. 


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
Davis Shorthorns said:
  Over 90%.  now that is what I call voting strictly because he was black.

And Kerry had 88% of that vote in 04.  How did he receive that high of a percentage of the black vote?  I don't think it was because of "voting strictly because he was black."


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
BCCC said:
What happened to no more polotics after the election??

I agree with BCCC, the politics discussion should end.  This is a discussion board for people from all backgrounds and beliefs who have one thing in common, showing and/or raising cattle.  I am sure there are plenty of Obama bashing or Obama loving discussion boards that these comments can be taken to.  We want a discussion board here on Steerplanet that anyone can feel comfortable asking a question on without the threat of being attacked.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
ZNT said:
BCCC said:
What happened to no more polotics after the election??

I agree with BCCC, the politics discussion should end.  This is a discussion board for people from all backgrounds and beliefs who have one thing in common, showing and/or raising cattle.  I am sure there are plenty of Obama bashing or Obama loving discussion boards that these comments can be taken to.  We want a discussion board here on Steerplanet that anyone can feel comfortable asking a question on without the threat of being attacked.

I think the answer is easy, if you don't want deal with political discussion don't participate in the the post.  This will all settle down after a while.  People in general have been very involved with following the candidates with this election.  Things aren't going to come to a screeching halt just because the ballots were counted.  Give it some time.  


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
knabe said:
ZNT said:
I agree with BCCC, the politics discussion should end. 

speech code.  just don't open the thread.  speech codes divide people.

i don't agree. 

Maybe all political threads shoud have Political in the subject line, in order to be able to determine if one wants to open them or not.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
most do, and you open them once, and it's easy to ignore.

even if you don't respond in the thread, it's pretty obvious some keep up on them as new ones later with some reflection pop up.


Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
gonna have to call BS on that one dusty.

Just look at this post and READ it. DId I say ALL the post were racist? No. DId you miss the thread that mysteriously dissappeared??  You do not call THAT racism?? Again I urge you to READ. DId you read the post from farwest?? Cotton field...no, nothing racist about that. And the Christmas tree joke.....if it is so "clean and wholesome" why not share it????

I don't care who you or anyone else voted for. I do not care why you voted for them. The fact is, race DID play a part of this election for BOTH sides. Denying it does not make it disappear.

I agree with Cattledog, we have a new president, regardless of if you voted for him or not.....if he fails, we are all fail. So be careful for what you wish for.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

10 Ways to Pray for Barack Obama
Whether you are happy about this week’s election results or not, all Christians must unite in prayer for our new president. Please don’t forsake this responsibility.
It’s over. We’ve reached the end of the longest, angriest and most nerve-wracking presidential campaign in American history. Finally the “I approved this message” ads have ceased. The endless robot phone calls have stopped ringing. The debates, and the annoying post-debate comments from “experts,” are history—until the next election cycle.
More than half the nation is celebrating today while others are mourning. We are a divided nation, split into unhappy fragments by abortion, gay marriage, global warming, a failed economy and an unpopular war. Those who voted for Barack Obama have claimed a historic victory; some on McCain’s side are already looking for scapegoats. Politics is politics.

But when I got up this morning, I turned all my attention to the fact that Jesus Christ is still on the throne. His government is what is most important. Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, the Bible says “the nations are like a drop from a bucket” to God (Is. 40:15, NASB). That includes the United States. We may boast about being “the greatest nation on earth,” but He who sits in heaven has a different perspective. Let’s take a big sigh of relief now and remember that God is sovereign.
"But when I got up this morning, I turned all my attention to the fact that Jesus Christ is still on the throne. His government is what is most important."
I’ll admit this election did not turn out as I had hoped. I supported McCain primarily because I am pro-life and I prefer his small-government mindset. But now that the election is over, I’m not going to harbor bitterness toward Obama supporters or go into attack mode. Obama has been elected president of this country, and that means I have a biblical responsibility to support him in prayer—even if I challenge his policies.

Whether you voted for Obama or not, you need to pray for him. Here are 10 ways I plan to intercede for him regularly:

1. Pray for Obama’s protection. We already know that some weird, neo-Nazi fanatics in Tennessee plotted to kill Sen. Obama during his campaign. Let’s pray that racist hatred is not allowed to spread. Let’s cancel every assassin’s bullet in the name of Jesus. May civility triumph over bigotry.

2. Cover his wife and daughters in prayer. It is not easy to live under constant media scrutiny. Pray for Obama’s wife, Michelle, and their two daughters, Malia and Natasha, as they face invasive cameras, nosy reporters, maniacal fans and dangerous enemies. Obama is not only a politician but also a husband and a father.

3. Pray that Obama will govern with God’s wisdom. God rewarded Solomon because he asked for wisdom instead of wealth, long life or vengeance on his enemies (see 1 Kings 3:11-12). Pray that Obama will order his priorities like that. Despite Solomon’s tragic character flaws, his legacy was wisdom. We can ask God to give our president the same grace.

4. Ask God to keep our president humble. Many great American leaders became corrupt after they moved to Washington. The fatal attraction of fame, wealth and power proved irresistible. The only thing that will guard a man or woman from this pitfall is humility. May God deliver President Obama from the curse of pride.

5. Pray for wise and righteous advisers to surround him. Godly leaders cannot do their job alone. Even the best leaders have failed because they trusted the wrong people. Pray that Obama will not select his counselors based on party, race, pedigree or political cronyism but on godly character and proven wisdom. Pray also that he will not allow secret traitors into his inner circle.

6. Ask for the spirit of reconciliation. Some segments of our deeply divided society want nothing to do with Obama now that he has won the presidency. Even some Christians will be tempted to harbor resentment and nurse political grudges throughout his term in office. Pray that God will grant forgiveness and healing so that leaders on all political levels can have constructive dialogue.

7. Pray that Obama will adopt pro-life convictions. Many politicians have changed their views on key issues while in office. In the 1800s some leaders who favored slavery later denounced it. In the 1950s some who opposed racial integration later became champions of it. Even though Obama won approval from many voters because he sanctions abortion, God could soften and change his heart.

8. Bind all evil forces assigned to manipulate our president. The specter of Islamic terrorism looms over the United States, and dark forces are ready to infiltrate. Our only hope lies in prayer to the God who is able to expose and outwit the schemes of the wicked. This is truly a time for spiritual warfare, and intercessors must not come off the wall in this hour! Pray that no foreign government, terrorist organization or demonic principality will use Obama as a tool. We must stand strong against the spirit of antichrist that promotes dictatorship, persecution of Christians and hostility toward Israel.

9. Pray that Obama’s door will remain open to the church. The loudest voices of secular culture—from Bill Maher in Hollywood to atheists in academia—would be happy if religion were removed from public life. Pray that Obama, who claims to have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, will unapologetically welcome Christian leaders into his company and seek their counsel. And pray that false religious leaders (who claim to know Christ but deny His power) will not have his ear.

10. Pray that our nation will enjoy God’s peace and blessing during the Obama administration. The apostle Paul instructed early believers to pray for all in authority “so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Tim. 2:2, NASB). God’s will is for America to experience peace and prosperity so that we can continue to export the gospel to the nations. This must happen whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House. As we cry out for God’s mercy on our wayward nation, pray that He will allow us to be a light to the world as we finance global missions, feed and heal the world’s poor and share Christ’s love at home and abroad.
J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Rahm Emanuel proposes compulsory service
By Rizzuto

Thu Nov 06, 2008 - How ironic is it that for all of the psychotic fear mongering the left engaged in 2004 over the draft, Barack Obama has just chosen a chief of staff who legitimately supports a plan to send 18-25 year olds into compulsory service. This is an excerpt from Emanuel's 2006 tome, The Plan: Big Ideas for America:

    It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service.


    Here's how it would work. Young people will know that between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service. They'll be asked to report for three months of basic civil defense training in their state or community, where they will learn what to do in the event of biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack; how to assist others in an evacuation; how to respond when a levee breaks or we're hit by a natural disaster. These young people will be available to address their communities' most pressing needs.

brownshirts.  this is utter nonsense.  probably cuss at us for not wanting to do it.  more speech code.  don't tell me that democrats aren't the one's starting this nonsense.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
Rahm Emanuel proposes compulsory service
By Rizzuto

Thu Nov 06, 2008 - How ironic is it that for all of the psychotic fear mongering the left engaged in 2004 over the draft, Barack Obama has just chosen a chief of staff who legitimately supports a plan to send 18-25 year olds into compulsory service. This is an excerpt from Emanuel's 2006 tome, The Plan: Big Ideas for America:

    It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service.


    Here's how it would work. Young people will know that between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service. They'll be asked to report for three months of basic civil defense training in their state or community, where they will learn what to do in the event of biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack; how to assist others in an evacuation; how to respond when a levee breaks or we're hit by a natural disaster. These young people will be available to address their communities' most pressing needs.

brownshirts.  this is utter nonsense.  probably cuss at us for not wanting to do it.  more speech code.  don't tell me that democrats aren't the one's starting this nonsense.
wont that get a generation started off welfare??  and all the other things we seem to complain about our tax dollars going to pay for a generation and half of no accountability/ cell phone talkin' / cig smokin / no job/ lazy / no where else to go/ nothin' to do bunch?...i suppose if your looking for a counterpoint that would be it from another interpretation....sure not going to be "business as usual" amercina for a few years...but the "18/25" yr old generation may just to adjust .......like they did when the real draft existed.......but it was something that "everyone" ( males only...a bit sexist at the time...but the libbers got that straightened out...hummmm... sure didnt even think of questioning  that.......how unamerican could an 18/25 yr old male be???....go to jail ...or go to canada...remember??  we had the "real draft" for many years....3 months of cd training seems like a kiss now.....maybe the next generation will start to have a bit more of the ole amercina spirit...truth is we cant even get out of the way of natural disasters, without expecting  the government/local/state/county to guide us out of harms way,...and bring us water/food and shelter after....and help us form lines for us to get into and complain about how bad a job the government did in "helping us".......how many kids do you know who participate in the boy scouts of amercia these days?....how many boy scouts of American troops are in your county?...there are a few left....but "interest" seems to have "disappeared" for that kind of thinking...thats where the basis of my first aid/self survival/ emergency response/reaction...team work began( and i didnt even no it at the time)....wasnt govnt sponsored but it sure was regimented  civic duty, / personal responsibility/  and character building....sure seems like its going to create less "losers" in the long run....society is more like genetics than selling a pro football team and just moving to another town and putting on a different color uniform....takes some time.....i'm sure a few folks may feel there kids dont need that or may even be  above that ....but then some didnt think they kids needed" to go to korea or vietnam either.....but they did it...and never mumbled a word...cause it was "unamercian"...( and illegal and you would  go to jail ...remember?...) ...3 months of civil service training/duty might get the next generation off to a better start than, the normal "hangin' with your buds'  program they seem to have so much time for now......how many of you can still recite the boy scout code of honor?...how many still live by it? how many wish our kids even new of it?      jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
parents, not the government as parents.  i really don't like government mandates. 

where should we stop? 

with all the giving, at what point do we sit back and say we have no one left to give to and we need to say we need to be generating something that allows us to give.

imagine a bunch of annoying flies just trying to give.  it's like a boy scout helping an old lady across the road, holding her arm too high, walking too fast, talking too much (i'm good at that one).

the problem with the civil defense training is that i feel it's to defend against those who feel liberty needs a comeback.

fear environmentalism?  i fear loss of property rights, which is what the left always seems to want to claim from property owners.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
parents, not the government as parents.  i really don't like government mandates. 

where should we stop? 

with all the giving, at what point do we sit back and say we have no one left to give to and we need to say we need to be generating something that allows us to give.

imagine a bunch of annoying flies just trying to give.  it's like a boy scout helping an old lady across the road, holding her arm too high, walking too fast, talking too much (i'm good at that one).

the problem with the civil defense training is that i feel it's to defend against those who feel liberty needs a comeback.

fear environmentalism?  i fear loss of property rights, which is what the left always seems to want to claim from property owners.

not many people liked the draft...kids or parents

scouting didnt come naturally to some...some did walk to fast i guess...maybe held an amr more than than the standard 38 degs

civil defense trainers dont care what you think the problem with them is........they will help you anyway

environmentalism...not a hugh fear here......fear of lost proptery rights seems to enter into a lot of your topics....usually in one way or another...are you speaking of the fear of physical owner rights ( taxes/building permits/epa'd septic regs/water sprinkler schedules??) ....or rights  like ...how high  up do i own on my property.....or ....i need your property for a road rights ...or clear back to the indian " thingy" ?       surley your not still fearful of the ole legondary  rampage of  troop 99 of the boy scouts of american in the  "summer of 69".....its been exergarated much since that summer....not all you've heard is true ...it wasnt the whole of richie co of wva.....and it didnt last 2 years.....it was only 2 short days....and in but a small part the remote rural ( but eaisly overcome ) woodlands....and yes there was some fast walking....and some high arm holding...and maybe a bit of low arm holding ...but it wasnt the county seat they overcome that cool summers eve.....it was only the girl scout camp.....300 yds down the kanawa river.. fear us not.....;)      jbarl